The same people who support Trump will complain that “welfare cheats” are ruining our country. And this will not make them reconsider their position.
The same people who support Trump will complain that “welfare cheats” are ruining our country. And this will not make them reconsider their position.
So the US government took the hit on Trump’s losses? Sounds like a fucking bailout to me.
That near-billion that he lost through bad business deals... very likely was not from his own personal wealth, but from other people’s money. He swindled poor saps with tales of his ‘great business acumen’, got them to invest a near billion dollars, then drove it into the ground in one year. So they’re out ‘real…
His most brilliant move yet will be not becoming President of this crooked country. Genius!
I agree in general, but as far as sexiness goes, Miller can’t hold a birthday candle to Cumberbatch. Yow!
I adore Sherlock in all his current incarnations: Robert Downey, Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, & Jonny Lee Miller. I’ll be sad to see this one end, but I bet he’ll be back eventually.
Season 3 got so fan-servicey. Plus, I felt like they did that thing that bad mystery shows do, where they want their audience to feel smart, so the detectives are really slow at putting together obvious clues. That always annoys me, but it’s extra annoying when the detective being stupid is Holmes.
I’m hoping season 4 makes up for that ultra-dull season 3 wedding episode. The return of the fantastic Andrew Scott would suffice.
Well, ok, but if no more Sherlock then fingers crossed they’re the new Bake-Off hosts.
Fawlty Towers still holds as one of the greatest sitcoms in history and we got 12 episodes 30 mins each. We essentially got 15 movies at 90 minutes each. I’m sad but ok with what we get.
I’m not that bothered tbh, it’s been pretty patchy. There have been some great episodes, but it’s definitely petered out a bit, I hope they get it together for the final season
Awwww man :*
See, I don’t know why, but I’ve mellowed on her in my advancing age!
Did she “deserve” it? Of course not. Am I surprised it happened? Not so much. Her extremely public life makes her a target. Not an ethical judgement, just a bit of reality.
What happened to her was awful, and in no way am I justifying how horrifying that must have been, but can we take a moment and address that in some pictures she starting to look like Nadya Suleman? I don’t know if its the hair or the lips.
I don’t really mind the people who think it’s fake. This is a woman who got married for public attention. If somebody doubts her sincerity, it’s probably because they have existed in society sometime this decade.
I’m not in any way saying she deserved it (I can’t bring myself to care in any way about it, really), but your most basic tourist knows not to flash a lot of cash and jewelry and invite a shitload of attention and commotion. Since KK’s entire thing is exactly those things, and she couldn’t possibly live without doing…
To play devil’s advocate, sort of, for one moment: This is a woman who for YEARS has not only lived her life in front of cameras, but has staged numerous life events for the purpose of capturing something dramatic in front of same cameras. It’s a natural human knee-jerk reaction for the mind to go to a place of, “Wait…
I’m afraid I have more important things to care about than a multimillion dollar, vacuous reality TV ‘star’ having some property stolen from her.