
The moment it happened I knew I was going to have to change my commute for at least the next month.... RIP to the deceased. I was so hoping this shit wouldn’t happen in my city. :(

Well Luke is out of australia. So BLM in America probably doesn’t garner much attention. It is a serious matter though.


A protestor killed another protestor. Yeah, it’s probably the police’s fault though.

It seems perverse to me that you are openly rooting for the police to have murdered an innocent man rather than have engaged in the justified use of force.

Oh, this succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams: Taylor’s boob job didn’t get into the tabs until the week before Labor Day weekend. That’s some Machiavellian shit right there. Well done, SwiftCorp.

So then why was JLaw hacked then?

Good male feminist. Her world “records” would get crushed by any competent male Olympian swimmer

Ledecky is all the rage with male feminists.

If this was Jezebel, the title would’ve been “Entitled White Male Harasses Chinese Woman Online, Gets What He Deserves.”

How else is Gawker going to instigate a devolution into race riots in the comments?

This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.

Looks more like a FaceTune fatality.

When he ran for governor he was full on anti abortion. Great ally to have.

same speech writer?

Eleven police officers have been shot in Dallas, and four killed. It is good and right for Jezebel to cover the shooting deaths of persons of colour by police in detail: that they receive personal, detailed attention in the media that they were denied in life. And yet I think that the deaths of these police officers

Since the attackers are reported to be Muslim refugees (not reported above because, well, Gawker) perhaps he’s refering to immigration laws.