Kinja: I should be able to delete my account

These controversies are so weird. I don’t know that I will/would choose to kiss my kids on the mouth, but my parents kissed me on the mouth WELL past this kid’s age, and I’m fi— OK, I’m not fine, but I’m *truly* sure that that had nothing to do with it.

You had to know Mr. Felicity Huffman wouldn’t let us down.

As a child of a family practically named dysfunction I, unfortunately, had a bad feeling about Brangelina’s failure from the start.

Related: their lawyers are makng f-ng bank.

This is a good example of one of my favorite bits of wisdom: “you never divorce the same person you married.”

There is also the likelihood they have an iron clad pre-nup that puts all others to shame which protect them both well financially. So it doesn’t make sense to have this type of public litigation except the kids aren’t part of the pre-nup so it is the only negotiation leverage they have but I agree that Angelina has

Dear Brad,

I’m really sorry you don’t have privacy. It always feels especially shitty when I’m on display and life is complicated and/or messy.

COOCHIE cutters, Wendy. Jesus.

That’s sort of how I felt. I’m gay and while it was nice to see an LGBT themed movie outside of like New Queer Cinema that wasn’t complete trash, I thought Brokeback Mountain was overwrought and overrated. It’s just so nakedly Oscar-baity.

Unpopular gay opinion: watching two straight white guys pretend to pine while slowly withering away is tedious melodrama written for guilty straight people to feel soulful and connected. I get that Brokeback Mountain is pretty and sad, but once you’ve seen a dozen sad, pretty gay movies (not hard as that can sum up

Of course it’s not cool. Get right. Fall in line before it’s too late.

But it was all for The Work! The Work Work The Work Bill The Work and The Work was The Work.

As much as I want to deny it, I also didn’t want them to get back together. We all know how that plays out in real life. You’re too afraid to be alone and venture out as single so you get back together with your ex and pretend like the fairy tale never ended. And then those feelings of betrayal, jealousy, anger and

She’s self-aware, but I like how they show that she’s often wrong about how people are going to react to something she does or says. You don’t see that level of complexity on tv much.

I’m so sorry. Just remember that taking the time you need isn’t wasting time. Hang in there.

This show makes me soooo happy to be old. I had a self-destructive streak a mile wide in my 20s and I do not miss shooting myself in the foot on the regular. #KeepHavingBirthdaysYall

He’s under no illusions about the sensibility of everyone else, but he’s smart enough to know that the instant he drops the civility and lowers himself even slightly towards the level of inane contempt that is constantly aimed at him, he loses the high ground and all the tropes and racism will turn against him.

Brad got drunk on the plane and jokingly called Maddox “Mad dog” and all the other kids started doing it. Maddox got mad and said “Shut up” and they wouldn’t stop and then Angie said “If you all don’t stop I will turn this plane around so help me!”

I think *everyone* has a lot to worry about with this. I’m frightened about the rolling back of social progress, but I’m even more white-knuckle terrified about the fact that with all three branches of government under Republican control, they may legitimately dismantle the EPA or start a nuclear war.

Can I just say the most fucking annoying parents on the subject of sleep training are the parents who say “YOU DON’T NEED TO SLEEP TRAIN! I DIDN’T SLEEP TRAIN AND MY SON SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT AT 4 WEEKS!!!” guess what fuckhead? No one would sleep train if their kid slept through the night at 6 weeks. That is such