I’d say COTD, but we all know the jalopinati will suppress it
I’d say COTD, but we all know the jalopinati will suppress it
Exit 52.
Chris Harris is a man most notable for his video reviews of cars. He recently bought into the experience of…
This was aaaaallllmost COTD, only because you got one last week too. Congrats on being runner-up.
how retarded.
Keep your political shit out of our cars.
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This is Jalopnik, you’re looking for Gawker.
You don’t need Su-30SMs to fight ISIS. Russia is playing a different game.
It’s slowly starting to appeal. When they’re dirty and have stuff hanging off them I might be more into it. Probably never happen due to the stealth requirements of the paint or whatever it is they coat these things in, but a gray/brown/green camo would make it look awesome.
I was hiking up in the mountain right near Hill AFB when I heard a very close jet buzz the cliffs - it was an F-35 below my altitude cruise by, roll out and come around for a landing. It was by far the coolest thing i’ve seen all year.
Even without the picture I still would have read it in Jeremy’s voice.
This is a Labor Day this GM dealership will recall for a long time to come.
Obviously to show the North just how fabulous they are
I clicked it too...dam click bait.
About 1:1.