
I’d say COTD, but we all know the jalopinati will suppress it

Exit 52.

This was aaaaallllmost COTD, only because you got one last week too. Congrats on being runner-up.

how retarded.

Keep your political shit out of our cars.

______Age ______Kinja Handle ______Years Online

This is Jalopnik, you’re looking for Gawker.

You don’t need Su-30SMs to fight ISIS. Russia is playing a different game.

It’s slowly starting to appeal. When they’re dirty and have stuff hanging off them I might be more into it. Probably never happen due to the stealth requirements of the paint or whatever it is they coat these things in, but a gray/brown/green camo would make it look awesome.

I was hiking up in the mountain right near Hill AFB when I heard a very close jet buzz the cliffs - it was an F-35 below my altitude cruise by, roll out and come around for a landing. It was by far the coolest thing i’ve seen all year.

I bet somewhere someone on the ground was doing this.

Even without the picture I still would have read it in Jeremy’s voice.


This is a Labor Day this GM dealership will recall for a long time to come.

Obviously to show the North just how fabulous they are

I clicked it too...dam click bait.

About 1:1.

Say what you will about the reliability, efficacy, logic, readiness, survivability, cost, feasibility, etc. of our recent military hardware, but you have to admit it’s sexy.