Buzz kill man
Buzz kill man
Okay, fine.... Take my money. I'll take 2
Yeah this seems good, but any nondescript white van always stands out to me. If there is not some obnoxious company vinyl plastered on the side I get suspicious.
they should do this will all cars. I wonder what an aztek boat would look like?
this just made my day. Thank you
You might be right on all of those point, but the fact of the matter is that every time I see one I smile and feel proud to be an American. Also having class and not being over powered and bloated is for other countries. Here in America we value those virtues (whether you view them as such or not).
haha I think you are right! Good eye
This is the best article I have read in a very long time. I was laughing and smiling while reading the whole thing. Thank you
I saw this a lot when I lived in Brazil, and I saw too many people die or get injured. People in Utah suck at driving too and would panic and probably swerve into you if you came up beside them. Looks like an adrenaline rush though.
I would agree its and x5 but that's the deal with the vent looking thing above the front wheels? Maybe I'm dumb but I don't remember seeing that on x5's
Yeh he does have good advice and yes he is driving completely recklessly. But the worst part of it all is his freaking accent. He uses every annoying slang and characteristic of the paulista accent to the point I want to punch him in the mouth. Side note... Eu acho q vc vai concordar comigo... Esse cara não da muito…
Pro- If you drop your phone it is cheap to replace. Con- You always want to drop your phone