Oh fuck the Duggars and all the assholes who "liked" this on their Instagram. Between this and Sarah Palin letting her kid stand on their dog, I guess being super right wing and insane goes hand in hand with being unnecessarily cruel to animals (and bragging about it on the Internet).
Ugh, disgusting people. I can't wait for the MRAs to come out of the woodwork on this one-"Feminists don't care about boys or rape when it's woman on man blah blah blah," when meanwhile the only people I EVER see taking woman on boy rape seriously are usually feminists, while everybody else makes hurr durr jokes about…
Sounds good but I just like 'em whipped with butter and a little milk. It is one of the very few things I continue to be picky about.
See but that sounds delicious.
I am at the point now where if someone I am meeting for the first time espouses anti-vax beliefs, I just nope out of there. I don't have time to be patient with people who are willfully ignorant and hold stupid, dangerous viewpoints.
Rubbish, filth, slime, muck!!!
Hey I know this is garbage TV but it is like my only one. Okay and Hoarders but that has since been cancelled. Judge Judy is a ritual between my Nonna and I. I have been watching it at her place with her since I was like 9.
Yeah mayo goes on sandwiches. I can get behind that. But don't be messing with the taters!
My mom puts sour cream in her potatoes every Christmas. I'll eat them now, but there is always this voice in the back of my mind reminding me how much happier I would be if my potatoes just tasted like potatoes.
a silent and permissive witness to a girl being raped repeatedly and having her intestines pulled out of her-forgive me if I don't give a tiny shit if he didn't participate in the actual raping.
Is there a special word for vomiting, weeping and throwing your computer out the window all at the same time?
Oh I agree for sure. I'm not saying she can't show any weakness at all but they just keep doing the same thing with her every episode. And then they introduced her back story with the abusive stepfather and it was all too much. I just get tired of rape being used as drama against female characters. It is lazy writing,…
I mean, I love mayo but it is a straight up Titanic style romance between me and mashed potatoes. To introduce mayo into the equation seems a bit unfaithful.
Wtf. Mayo in mashed potatoes. Those go in like, potato and pasta salads, and butter goes in mashed potatoes. Maybe I am finicky but I assumed those were the rules!
I preferred Sybil as the modern and liberated lady. Mary is for sure a poor substitute. I used to like her a lot more-she has just become a bit much and she still treats Edith appallingly, even though Edith has improved vastly as a human being. It is like they are still being written as teenagers even though Mary is…
HATE Lady Mary. And I'm pretty sure Cora has been strung out since season three at this point too.
She is one of the only things even worth watching on this sinking ship of a show.
This was a very underwhelming season. Lady Mary is all, "I want to be married again," and then her plot line with that interchangeable handsome guy in Liverpool goes NOWHERE. Also I am getting real tired of her bitchy ass attitude to poor Edith. I can't root for her anymore, she is the WORST. Also they keep going back…
THANK YOU. No, male circumcision isn't the same thing as female genital cutting. But why the fuck are we putting sharp objects near a baby's genitals to begin with? I hate how flippant everyone here is being. Having an objection to something doesn't make you crazy or an MRA for fuck's sake.