
That many religious sects (Episcopals, Presbyterians, etc) have openly gay and lesbian pastors and church leaders and perform same sex marriages exactly as they do opposite sex marriages escaped your attention?

How does one determine if a baby/fetus is gay while still in the womb?

I’m glad you went easy on the guy. I mean who are we to judge Joe Brown.

I was so glad that they treated it like the bullshit gender bias issue that it is. You know who has peak vocal fry? IRA FUCKING GLASS. SIT DOWN, SIR.

my three dogs are very upset for Peanut Butter. They are all crowded around my computer trying to solve this puppies problems.

Will they have a cosplay section? Asking for a friend.....

Here is my ginger.

Here’s my favorite ginger. sorry (not sorry) for the large size.

She’s not burning in the sun? Must be a daywalker.

....and after 2 weeks and 3 separate repairs, our mechanic still can’t find what’s causing the car to shudder at 65 mph. WHERE IS THIS TANK BUILDER AND WHERE CAN I HIRE HIM

Give ‘em a try!

I’m not going to lie if I ever become rich and/or successful this is literally the first thing I will do. “Cherith McCutestory I’d like to present you with your Noble Peace Prize... Cherith? Cherith?”

People tell me that the “Model Minority” stereotype is harmless.
I think this present case is a good example of why that notion is wrong.

Tzitzits on her tits


Here’s them on the second date.

“No you moron, I said I wanted to see the movie Into The Woods!”

yes - a helicopter tour.

Who goes out on a first date in a big forest alone? That screams “YOU WILL BE MURDERED” to me.