
Black people play for the NFL.  Why aren’t they chastised?  

Please explain how this Super Bowl Halftime is racist....I’ll wait.

We all were pesky twentysomethings once.

pssst. she didn’t come up with this plan. existing dems already had this on the table.

I definitely miss the “old days of Rolling Stone after reading that nonsense.

I hope he had a clipboard with those stats


Cool, then start with “Black Panther” since Marvel is owned by them, dumbass.

This trademark by Disney applies to:

Why go anywhere else?

“The Rockets Might Be Back, Dammit.”
- Allan McDonald, 1/28/86

This is the worst marketing ploy since New Coke was introduced to drive sales of Old Coke.


It’s like the old joke about if Apple made a car they’d only run on 10% of the roads, but for real.

At least all the cars will be full of my piss and my piss only.

well you have to hand it to Marc Davis and Jon Gruden for this signing, they found a way for the City of Oakland to literally pay the relocation fee, and cover the cost of the Billion dollar stadium in Vegas

Still only the 2nd most impressive rise from the dead today:

seeing elon gradually get exposed as the fraud he is feeds my schadenfreude

Elon Musk over-promises and under-delivers.

More people need shame this person for their ass math