
I didn’t realize Belichick’s career record is 382-0.

perhaps, too, we can encourage all of our parents and older relatives to approach YouTube with caution and to—for the love of all that is good—not use it as an engine to research the Talmud.

(I will note here that I too am Jewish, and having spent 32 years on Earth, I feel fairly confident that I can identify both veiled and outright anti-Semitism.)

This kind of behavior never would have flown on SMURF.

Weird to see an advertorial for Vape N Cloud in Jezebel, but okay.

I eagerly await Jezebel’s strong condemnation of the anti-semitism espoused by the organizers of the Woman’s March, as revealed in the recent Tablet Magazine article. There has been a conspicuous silence on this website about that.

According to RollingLoud’s response to The Root, Cardi had complete control of who was allowed backstage and on stage, so this was all her doing.

Next you’re going to tell me that pro wrestlers aren’t able to covertly get their own theme music and branded videos to play throughout the arena whenever they ambush an unsuspecting target. I guess that whole thing is staged as well. Right?

That whole event was staged

that was absolutely part of the show.

if you’re naive enough to think she wasn’t in on this then you’re beyond help 

The most upsetting thing about this whole debacle, though, is that..

If you are a NYPD officer and you are required to arrest a woman who resists while holding a baby, and cuff her hands behind her back, put her in a squad car and take her to the Police Station for booking, then how do you do that in a way that won’t be met by public approbation?  A government office called the NYPD

No. It's staged for publicity. 

Greg Oden has 840.

Now playing

Don’t forget, he was also in the WrestleMania 2 battle royal. (The action starts around eight minutes in.)

The cameras were just to make sure Embiid wasn’t living there rent-free.

I’m not sure Aaliyah would have made a great Freddie, but I guess we’ll never know.

I can’t read the article because of the paywall but I assume the primary reason the change was made was because one was listed normally on the roster and one was listed last name comma first name and the coach called on Nikola to start by accident.