
With all due respect, I do believe that the claim that she was sold as a sex slave has been proven to be false, and she actually solicited him. IF the story she told was true my heart would bleed for her but if I recall correctly, basically everything she said was a lie. (I am too lazy to research it again to refresh

Why do you find it necessary to lie about the facts of this case? She wasn’t sold to him in sexual slavery. She solicited him earlier that day in a Sonic parking lot and lied about her age when she did it. Then she fucked him, waited for him to fall asleep, then killed him in his sleep and stole the contents of his

There is no reconciliation and atonement when it comes to matters like this any more. There is only pearl clutching and pitchforks.

can people please stop with the idea that a billion dollar pro sports team just has some intern running their social media.

Insulting remarks made on the basis of race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation are obviously wrong, and Hart’s attempts at jokes regarding orientation weren’t funny (and if you’re going to make potentially offensive jokes they BETTER be funny), but this trend where progressives on the internet immediately start

The 500 years thing makes zero sense if Mindy St Claire was able to get to a medium place. 

And now we learn that in the last 521 years, the best of any life has been lived by...Mindy St. Claire.

Counter-point: his speech came across as canned and entirely self-serving.

The dogs were looking a little huskier than usual.

...irregardless of the song’s original intent...

I assume you are referring to anti-semites like Farakhan and Sarsour.

and tonight’s episode

Once again, this reviewer sees what appears to be a left leaning arc, latches on to it and completely misses the point. This episode was not “anti-capitalist,” it was anti-monopolist. It showed the dangers of what happens when a company becomes too big to fail and had a parasitic relationship with its employees who

“Now, anyone who pays attention is acutely aware of what’s going on, and how utterly unfettered modern capitalism has gotten.”

A fun episode. I lost it at the Mall scene. That was hilarious. And you don’t see it much in SP, but the music in this episode worked well. Looking forward to the 2nd half.

Bezos’ look and way he communicates are based on the aliens from the original Star Trek pilot, “The Cage”.

A little less than 20 years ago, a still-finding-its-legs South Park aired a memorable episode called “Gnomes,” which focused both on the omnipresence of Starbucks Coffee (named Harbucks in the episode), as well as little gnomes that steal your underpants in the night, with their ultimate goal being “profit.” That

If women got expelled at the same rate as men for these allegations, I’d be forced to agree with you. Thanks for trying tho.

Nathan For You connection aside, this truly is some horrifying capitalist bullshit.

?? I hrdly know her!!