
Most of what they say is nonsense, but these guys are a blast to watch either way.

He’s Irish traveler, not Anglo-Saxon or Romany. His grandparents are from Galway. Jesus Christ this isn’t hard. AND HE’S CATHOLIC

Why dig that hard when far-left morons will agree with any nonsense.

How about not commit voter fraud, or accept the plea deal after you knowingly committed a felony if you want a reduced sentence? Is critical thinking not allowed here or do we have to base all of our takes on just pure emotion while totally ignoring what actually happened? I thought you guys were supposed to hate

I guess if she was trying to prove she was too stupid to understand what she was doing, she kind of proved her point by stupidly rejecting the plea deal.

So...she broke the law and her defense was that she was too stupid to understand what she was doing? And she rejected a plea deal?

So someone who is not a citizen lied on a voter registration form and we are supposed to feel bad for her for getting arrested? This is literal voter fraud and we’re supposed to feel bad?

Sounds like somebody with a BS Xanax prescription got hit a little too close to home. Do what the rest of us do, shut the fuck up and get over it. 

I don’t understand how people can be so critical that Carlsen — a man whose entire professional existence is dedicated to securing victory by thinking several steps ahead — decided to secure a victory by thinking several steps ahead. 

“Sorry about your prison rapes. Merry Christmas!”

Carlsen is 1st in the world in rapid and blitz, while Caruana is 8th and 16th, respectively, if memory serves. That’s a not-insignificant gap for quicker categories.

I’m a little confused by your attitude and that other writer’s (I’m sorry I forgot his name, I think it was Ben?) attitude towards Carlsen’s decision in Game 12.

Greatest First Lady since Laura Bush.

Panama...this is one hot(and wrong) take.

Yeah, the Biebs just loves nesting in the entire country of Canada. Christ, judging by the writer’s description s/he probaly thinks it’s an extension of Maine. 

Yes. Yes we have

“Tuition stands at a little under $5,000 a year.”

This is kind of a strange blog post. SHOULD NBA writers be writing about this story? Should Deadspin? This seems to be evading any difficult journalistic questions posed by the story, just kind of noting a bunch of stuff that’s happened (and will surely get lots of clicks) without taking any stand on whether the

Surely this can’t come as a surprise to Deadspin, which has quite a bit of experience with ignoring allegations against men named Howard.