
This is my write-in vote for James Dolan.

Univision should be included in this poll.

I would think it would quite difficult to commit an assault on someone far away.  Being really close is a prereq to land punches, no?  

-1 for bonspiel missing from the headline. 

Mudslides and flooding in burn areas are a given.  This should be as much news to anyone as droughts exacerbate wildfires.  Welcome to the West.

So.... I guess everyone will just rebuild in the high risk areas.....

And continue to pretend they aren’t contributing to the scale of the disasters because they can blame every bit of it on global warming......

Blame shifted is responsibility avoided, right?

If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. Or, you could chew your corn more.

Yes Barry, we are all aware that Peterman is now available

It turns out they’ve both been sneaking off from their colonies so Jesus can train Aaron in the ways of kicking butt

“Like, say, how Americans didn’t have first claim to the land, and how we near about ‘Other’d’ the Native Americans out of existence.”

I read that Green also raised doubts about KD’s mom’s MVP trophy.

How can I correct a server who mispronounces a dish?”

Stuffing. Dressing goes on a salad.
End of discussion 

I’ll keep it short unlike you...

If you read this site you probably already know why VAR, soccer’s misguided foray into video replay, is shit.

She called Lynch a millennial and somehow you politicized it and got beta snowflake cuck out of that? This was absolutely awful, but I think many of us realize this wouldn’t have been published if you didn’t sensationalize it a bit all of it. Want to write about Rousey’s moving political stance? Or the McMahon

Yeah and he didn’t wait 8-1/4yrs into his presidency to do something that should have been done 8yr ago by a BLACK PREZ 

Bet now He wants due process...

Instead, Grandpa represents all elderly people (I guess he’s just the one really old guy in town?)

So... that’s a massive foul, and LeBron is screaming his head off if that goes uncalled at the other end.