
It’s stupid that the NBA makes him waste a year of his career at Duke. 

That’s the point. Standard time is just time. It’s what time was before daylight saving time was conceived, therefore standard time IS time. We shouldn’t replace time with daylight saving time. That’s a step in the wrong direction, and it doesn’t make any sense. If we’d just go back to standard time, then our

Daylight saving time should just be abolished completely. The entire country should switch to STANDARD time. It’s called standard for a reason. If everyone gets pissed about not having enough sunlight left over after work, then maybe work schedules should just change instead.

All of these kids had to take a Civics/Government class to graduate high school, why is it everyone’s responsibility to tell everyone to vote?  These kids don’t have social media?  Don’t live on a college campus?  Please. 

Regardless of your political affiliation, if it takes a celebrity’s advice for you to vote, then you probably shouldn’t be voting.

I might not be asking this if he weren’t a flat-earther, but... are we sure he did that intentionally?

So... shooting at the buzzer during your career best night is bad sportsmanship, but throwing a young player’s career night game ball into the stands out of spite isn’t?

Dunno. Never found it hard to dribble off my knee. 

“This movie didn’t appropriately validate my political views” is not a film review.

Kavanaugh & Weinstein have been accused of criminal sex acts.

It sounds like the movie is good, it just has the wrong message, in the opinion of the reviewer. Is that accurate? Or is the movie itself not very good? Because the rating suggests the movie is bad, but the reviewer also says it’s “superficially entertaining”.

Oh my God. An entertaining movie that is not the correct thesis for this moment, in the opinion of a...a what? An expert. Well, better not see that - what if I got entertained? What a calamity.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, they think people are gonna come back/stick around NOW?!

They really hate their remaining audience.

You’d think Johnson would’ve learned to live with his aides by now.

You say it like the Democrats haven’t been in bed with them too.

Did you read the article? It's being investigated as a suicide because it looks like a suicide and the family called it in as a suicide. There's nothing "Keystone Cops" about that. Also, it doesn't mean that after an autopsy and an investigation, that it can't change.

I am making no statement about what really happened. This whole thing stinks of a cover up. However, I am saying that this statement:

If it’s factually accurate that there are no signs of struggle or trauma then it’s pretty hard to believe it’s not a suicide. Though I can understand why a distraught mother would want to believe this was the cause of death and not that their child chose to take their own life.

I am so damn glad that they haven’t trapped themselves in yet another year of locked-on-one-subject serial episodes. The worst offender was the election story line that became one big stale ongoing joke that was flogged within an inch of its life. Some serial episodes are great, but entire seasons following one

It sure sounds like Obama’s climate targets were unnecessary over regulation.