
Dont be an insensitive jerk. Serge Kovaleski isn’t a retard.

Tropic Thunder not that popular?  What the hell are you talking about?

AKA a timeless classic

I guess we should just be grateful he didn’t go as Kirk Lazarus.

Tristan Thompson: “We’re still 4-time Eastern Conference champions, so until you take us down from that, teams ain’t got much to say. Boston, Philly, they ain’t got much to say. Boston had homecourt Game 7 and lost. Philly, you guys almost got swept. Toronto - we know that story”

Nobody has to take you down from that

I laughed cause the frame of the bike caught on fire somehow when the house suddenly caught fire. Agent Liberty’s origin story felt weak. Also what was the metal mask originally for? Did his dad’s steel company make robutts?

Are a lot of people arguing for their death? Honest question and not trying to troll.

Love how they removed the tension of Rick’s fall by showing him back on the horse in the preview. 

“The spec episode doesn’t just focus on Apu, but pulls in other prominent Indian Americans in hilarious ways to highlight the importance of diversity and individuality through the lens of The Simpsons

The only white van I’ve seen that was more of a red flag than this one is the one that I saw parked in the parking lot of an abandoned Home Depot that had “Foot Massage - $5” painted on the back window.

lol he wanted them to produce his fan script? which sounds like a marty stu story?

This sounds awful. That notwithstanding:

his quad injury was a matter of quantum uncertainty

Damn, these socialists who ran things into the ground must really be something else.  They fucked up so bad that half the black people would rather vote for a white supremist than a lefty?

People who have sex with other people for money have the right to refuse to have sex with whoever they want. Nobody is obligated to have sex with gay men if they don’t want to. There’s nothing homophobic about performers having boundaries about who they want to perform with. This is basic common sense. 

Next you’re probably going to try to convince us that Santa isn’t real.

He’s saying “this is what you get for taking the last pop tart wash the car “

Hockey fans would have played through it.

I’m happy as hell for Dwane Casey. As far as I’m concerned, he can’t enough good things to happen for him, after the years of supreme toil spent making the Raptors into something for their fans to be proud of.

Melvin Rowland is African-American.  Frankly, I don’t believe the LDS church is that progressive.