
Who says one nut must exercise global hegemony over a single sport?

Megyn Kelly makes $69 million per year

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Demonize Republican politicians, because they are demons.

It’s fine to criticize Smoltz as a broadcaster, but you can’t hold him to the same standards as an actual journalist or beat writer. Smoltz is a guy who just drops in once a week to talk about a baseball game, it’s not as if he’s a member of the permanent press. 

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

Flea became Ed Harris so gradually I didn't even notice.

Except they boo him almost every time he touches the ball. If that is what you call patient and supportive then I have been correct all my life that Philly sucks and it's sports fans are shit. 

Can we stop the Clinton bashing? Dude’s been out of office for almost 18 years.

And once again we down here in the grays are left to wonder when you will ever acknowledge your half dozen co-workers on the S***y Media Men list.

“atone for the negative effect the show’s early years might have had on society”

Probably trying to figure out how to implement Kinja on Facebook to eliminate all future postings.

I’ll be honest, while I appreciate...their desire to atone for the negative effect the show’s early years might have had on society...

From this angle I think it was the right call:

“clearly” you say? I don’t think that word means, what you think it means.

So what exactly is wrong with his explanation outside of the whole replay proving him right? Not saying it was the right call, but he claims he saw it and applied the rule correctly.

And let’s not forget how bad the attendance numbers look once you account for the fact that Philip Rivers’ family is responsible for filling half of the seats.

Now playing

The Bills could handcuff Nathan Peterman, lock him in a car, drive that car to Alaska, dump that car in the Bering Strait, drive all the way back home, and walk in the door only to find Peterman BACK, fit as a fiddle, and ready to start for Week 7. They’ll never shake him.

Apparently a lot of the native community has been very critical of this so I dont know if this is really the thing we should all double down on.