
I can't wait for Mary to get her comeuppance. She is insufferable.

When Chuck was mentioning people potentially losing their jobs at the firm, he mentioned one name and said she was a young attorney. He seemed to think that mentioning her would convince Jimmy. That's probably her.

Hannah's father was acting needy and defeated. There is obviously something going on with him, but Hannah was so self-obsessed that she didn't even ask anything about him.

Ray is the only likable character on the show. I keep waiting for the others to grow as people, but they never do. I guess it is more realistic than most shows in that way.

I can see Jeremy's point. He should get a say in what goes up there.

If it survives, I see it concentrating more on the parents than the children. They are much more interesting.

Maybe we'll finally get that abortion episode some people seem to want.

I suspect the Green investigation may be a plot device for redeeming Barrow by having him exonerate Anna/Bates.

She's going to get in trouble for having a man in her room.

Ron hates men in ponytails, but he loves Willie Nelson, so men in pigtails are okay.

Semi-spoiler: The preview for next week showed Lord Grantham holding a letter and saying to Edith "it's better now that we definitively know" and Edith looking very distressed. News of Gregson's fate?

Plus, Ana Gasteyer was on both shows last week.

I think they have an arrangement with Microsoft. Morgan's phone was a Windows Phone.

The Google campus is 26 acres. Even if Gryzzl built one ten-times that size, it would barely make a dent in the 25 square-miles that is up for grabs. There is no reason to be arguing, when they could split the land.

The stylistic break at the end really played up the differences between 'reality' TV and scripted TV. Reality TV looks for potential drama, highlighting the worst, while scripted TV often ends with redemption. Skewering reality TV was one of the main themes of the show, and it was never more in focus than when it

Joe should have just thrown Danny off the cliff. It would have been ruled an accident. He ruined it by carrying him down.

"Uncloak and prepare to be boarded"

Her performance in Hello Ladies was the only reason it was watchable.

What's going on with the third Ward brother? The one that Christian made Grant throw down the well. He said the third brother was "almost killed". So does that mean he's still around? Has that been addressed? From the earlier show I thought the brother had died down the well.

"Way to go Danny Jr.!"