
The guy that implanted in everyone’s mind the idea that shitty headphones sounded good because... um... they’re shiny and have a b?

I am okay with it not being Dre, but please let it be ‘Beats by Dre’ that horrid product needs to die

I have, lots of people have. Hes a Socialist, he even admits it, for years. Why don’t YOU do some research and open your eyes.

Bored son in law of Kajillionaire takes one of kajillionaires wifeys $100K car after she’s bored with it and makes it art project to boast a socialist to show how “down with the struggle” he is from behind his 8ft tall privately secured walls.....a true man of the people....

1.) There is nothing wrong with holding a prayer.

They pray before some F1 and MotoGP races. Do they not count or you just needed something to bitch about?

So you’re saying prayer is bad? People at my work pray all the time and I work for a pretty big media company and I’m agnostic. The only people that have a problem with prayer are people who just want to bitch about something.

When Mythbusters tested this one, I got the impression that it just wasn’t worth it. Supposedly, you have to burn through a filter for each filtration. The more you filter, the closer it gets to tasting like top shelf vodka (and the cheaper the vodka, the more filtrations it needs), but according to a vodka tasting

Not pictured: the Gap Kids ad from just a few years ago wherein a black model was using a white model as an armrest in almost the exact same pose.

You could have saved time and just watched a Mythbusters re-run, they did this years ago, with the vodka at least.

The handgun is on your hip where it should have been all along of course.

They’re in his car... his property. No expectation of privacy there.

with any of these, moderation is key. I’ve ruined a chili with too much (cinnamon will ruin the smell of it before the taste), and it was still a very small amount. Start small, wait, taste, and add more only if necessary.

It can be there an add a dimension, but you should never think of the chili as cinnamon-y. Just like salt. You want and need it there, but the food shouldn’t taste salty.

Be advised that a little bit of cinnamon in chili goes a very long way. I would suggest that you start with 1/4 teaspoon and add more only if you really like it. A full teaspoon might ruin your entire pot of chili if you don’t end up thinking it’s the bee’s knees.

I know Anthony Scalia is the bete noire of the bien pensant types that write for Gawker blogs, but the man was far more than the arch-conservative stereotype that you will all bang your spoons over. No single Justice was a more consistent defender of the 1st and 4th Amendments (he upheld flag burning as legitimate

No doubt that many Gawker Media readers cannot see through their ideological glasses and recognize a great legal mind. I didn’t agree with many of Scalia’s opinions but he was as consistent as any SC justice. I hope those dancing on his grave will remember this when their beloved RBG dies and the conservatives start

Looks like a cymbal crash.

False, I have a sandrail that I built in my garage that I have let people without drivers licenses drive out in the country and never once had an issue.