
500 accidental gun deaths a year, out of 32,000 total gun deaths, does not a majority make. BTW, most guns sold these days are “drop safe” and won’t go off if they fell out of this shelf

Nothing like a little anger and Ad Hominem to prove how intellectually superior you are.. :\

A Sommelier could certainly deal in Apéritifs as well as Digestifs

It’s getting less common, but the “weird finger thing” could be possibly be an attempt at a “secret” handshake of some kind. Masons, Frats, etc have used these handshakes to identify others in their Order.

Liberalism at it’s finest right here. No sense of personal responsibility.
#FeelTheBern :\

You know, when I watch videos on Jalopnik, I ALWAYS think to myself.. how can I make this Political?