Canex(same one just not at work comp)

Having a license does not equal knowing how to drive. Driving takes practice to do properly and an attention to detail that occasional or weekend driver just isn’t going to possess.

Honest question: Is the Cartridge full of spiders?

Just like spotify, netflix, and steam style services have absolutely decimated piracy numbers, the most effective way to combat piracy is to remove the incentive to pirate works. If you make it absolutely seamlessly easy to just pay a nominal amount of money for something, it actually works...

Please follow up on this!

Get more coverage, contact consumer advocacy groups, lawmakers, get good quotes, ask manufacturers to respond to anything and everything they attempt to do to silence or control these bills!

The auto industry is already attempting stuff like this on there end, to force people to use dealership

She’s just beggn’ me to leave work early.....


In one version of the game, you even get a GUN

A humid 89 degrees in Houston right now :]

Seems to be only young people... What us older people value most in a career

Some days, living in Canada and not having access to things like this can be a downer. Counterpoint:

“It’s stories like his that punctuate the ephemeral nature of the virtual worlds we play in. No matter how strong the bonds we form or how much time we invest, eventually the servers are going to go down. All we’ll have left is our memories and, if we’re lucky, the friends we made along the way.”

I had an online friend

I miss my days in MMO’s with a group of fun people. That all died though once I left college, just couldn’t stay up late at night anymore since I have to be up early every morning for work.


I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

Your number one there is actually conflating two different benefits. The Kindle Lending Library let’s you rent from thousands of books, including older ones. Amazon Firsts is a separate thing that let’s you pick one book a month from a small selection curated by Amazon. The selections are books that haven’t been

You’re an idiot if you buy into that story. Michelle moved to the WH with two children younger than Barron. The woman doesn’t want to be First Lady.

I’ve lived here for 17 years so you think I would’ve gotten used to this shit. Nope. It still fills me with rage and makes me want to punch everything. They’d rather let women die because and unborn fetus is more important than living humans. I guess this means even more Texas women will be heading to Mexico.
