Canex(same one just not at work comp)

I don’t think he asked for a lawyer dog. I think he asked for a lawyer, dog.

Incidentally, I have been buying a helluva lot more beer under this administration.

terrible advice. essentially a lien is taken out against your property. if you ever try to sell your house all fees you didn’t pay or ignored will have to be paid before you can sell. Also, the HOA is legally capable of taking your house from you if you do ignore them, which actually happens. Here in TX, if your

I never really got the “ waste of time “ argument.

When I was a kid, some kids had snap togather models. They were amazing but my mom wouldn’t buy me anything like that. :-(

go build some then. ^_^

Star’s because I have no idea about Gundum models, but love seeing them!

If you want to make a game in 2017 it better be either

A. A card game
B. Team based shooter with MOBA elements
C. A Souls clone

This is getting old.

Becauase Americans, by and large, view poor people and sick people as results of poor decision making. “You’re poor because you don’t work hard enough.” “You’re sick because you don’t take care of yourself.” Blaming others for their hardships alleviates any need for compassion for them.

A question from a Canadian. From most things I hear, even American’s who identify as Democrats, or left leaning in their politics are against public health care. Why? Is it taxes? Because I mean shit, if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high. It just

Water Chemist here, there are a lot of variables that are not addressed here. When were samples collected? Main line or residential line? Water quality changes from season to season and for treatment facilities to keep up certain chemicals are pumped into the main lines to sanitize microbial growth.. the “Main lines”

i’m not sure this is a group that can be trusted with such a report.

Did you guys notice the number combination in the color palette is the date the first street fighter came out

Can you recommend any companies in particular that would be worth buying from?! Thanks 👍🏾 

Now playing

On the one hand, these are very clever and well-executed.

Bethesda: “Man we really screwed up. We seriously pissed off our modding community. I cant think of what we could have done worse”


I can’t believe I have to use this to defend him...