
Loser bees not tough enough in today’s USA! Most overrated insect ever! Sad!

As a fat kid who became a fat adult, who worked hard to lose the weight AND a father who keeps good food in the house so my son naturally gravitated to fruit and vegetables so I’m sparing him from the obesity that I lived through...

GOP Constitution:

Not super-related, but my God, this brings back memories of shareware games I used to get at the checkout at my local grocery store circa 1986. You could get the floppy disk for $1, but then if you wanted to play all the levels you had to call in and pay $5 or something to get a code to unlock the whole game. Totally

Trump response:

I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and I can see 100's of acres of farm land every *month* be converted to urban areas. The new house I moved into 18 months ago was in the country, surrounded by farm land and cows (and oil fracking operations), is now surrounded by 1000's of homes, schools & shopping malls.

Guillem H. Pongiluppi is a Spanish artist who has worked on stuff like the Warcraft movie.

if the couple cannot decide where the dogs go, they will have to be sold (perhaps) and the proceeds split

I used to take oxy on a daily basis, but medical marijuana has allowed me to quit almost entirely.

Fuck this.

In the spirit of equality... WHEN WILL THE CULTURE APPROPRIATION END!1

I think that I’m a millennial (I was born in ‘82), and I can absolutely understand why we’re not setting aside money for these kinds of things. We watched the economy collapse, many of us experienced increased costs of living while our salaries didn’t keep up, we have more necessary items than our elders had

what kind of bread pudding


Common misconception, owning a game in no way gives you rights to download another copy created by someone else.

“Reactor... online. Sensors... online. Weapons... online. All systems nominal.”

Anybody else got a chill down their spine?

Mechwarrior is to Mechassault what Flight Simulator was to Crimson Skies. There’s a lot more complexity and there are way more controls in the Mechwarrior series, I hate to say it but I really don’t see Mechwarrior being suitable for console.

Expecting basic logic from Trump or his supporters? Sad!