
@syafiqjabar of Mars: Good thought. Mirror's edge is great, and JC2 should be. Saboteur was alright... See- I wanted to recommend something of the same "caliber" I wasn't thinking so much of genera.

@emag: I'm not urging a boycott of DRM, I'm urging a boycott of this particular DRM method.

Oh hey- you know how I mentioned making a steam group to boycott this DRM? (Not the game itself, the DRM. Which comes with the game. So we can't buy the game until the DRM goes.) (No, you don't know I mentioned it, because comments are flying right now.)

My plan to deal with this is ingenious, here it is in five easy steps

One test you'll pass with flying cartridges.

@GeekwithSwagg: I'm sure the actual release will weed out a bunch of the incompetent players (They'll never buy it, having entirely missed the point, and the fun. It's not CoD4.) Then a few more months after release people will start to sink into a preferred class role (Or maybe a few classes, depending on the team's

I play with a group of my friends on a squad, and it can be one of the most frustrating things when you feel like you and your squadmates are the only competent players on the map. It probably isn't true, but we'll often find ourselves having to rush back and forth between the two mcom stations while our teammates sit

@ostartero: Well, he theoretically caused more monetary damage. Looking at a few torrent sites however (Not downloading the game, I don't have a modchipped system, and I value not losing my internet, or getting sued.) The most seeders/leechers any of the torrents I've seen have is 170- to cause 1.5 million in damages

@RockyRan: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

A couple of years back our house was broken into. The thieves/vandals smashed four windows, destroyed some of our furniture, took our DVD player, gamecube, laptop, both desktops, TV, jewelry, sound system, and some random assorted items that held no value other then sentimentality. (We live in a relatively rural area,

@knails: Wow, that's pretty bad, I'm running on an 8800GT with 6 gigs of ram and a [2.ghz] (overclocked to 3.0ghz) dual core. It runs pretty well, but not as well as most things.

@knails: Yeah, apparently the build we are on in the beta is an earlier build, mostly for working on smoothing out any networking problems. I found that if you go into advanced settings and disable HBAO it can give you a bit of a framerate boost. Despite the current lack of optimization my friends and I have been

Oh my, this game is gorgeous. I really hope the PC port (if such a thing exists, I do not know) is done better then GTA4's port. That was not a fun experience, on my fairly high end system.

Playing the beta so far is a ton of fun- and honestly, I have no complaints about a WWII level, it's not as if the entire game is going along the WWII theme.

Steam is nice because there are no game hosting servers that Valve runs. Yes, you need to connect to their servers to get passed the DRM, but from there all the servers are hosted by third parties. So if for some very, very sad reason Valve ever goes out of business (Gabe Newell eats the headquarters?) (I kid, I love

I really support High Voltage, I think they are awesome for being a small company trying the things they do... But sometimes I think they're setting their sites just a bit too high.

I got the bad company demo just so I could play a map besides the one in the PC beta. Which is great, and everything, but it's still just one map.

Wait wait wait.... That's a guy?

@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: We don't know for sure whether or not that was going to be the final character design. This whole thing is just a tech demo, so who can say?