
They confirmed that it was being played on a PC. Current gen consoles can't handle the cloth simulations/particle effects that they had going on. (IE It will look a fair bit worse on consoles.) []

I loved the gameplay in the original Crysis and in Warhead. Crysis 2 did not do it for me at all, here's to hoping that they are trending back towards what made Crysis so awesome in the first place. (Finding multiple solutions to levels through exploration and creative use of suit powers, not running down a set path

I miss the original Tribes... Fantastic game, I was absolutely terrible at it, seeing as it was basically my first real FPS. Never had much of an interest in the genera before that. I really hope this can live up to that, and maybe for me it will because I was never particularly good at the game in the first place. On

I'm trying to find super hero accounts and such. There is a surprising lack, so far I've found Bilbo Baggins, and he isn't exactly a hero. He is a fantasy character though, so I guess it's a start.

@Joghobs: Is it bad that I really want guns in minecraft? We have all the materials we need, and it isn't as if gunpowder is super easy to find, so they wouldn't be the most cost effective weapon. I just want them... (I know, bow and arrow, but those lack accuracy.)

@Good news, everyone!: I think you may be my favorite person of the week. Thank you for that.

@BeerManMike: I don't think the basic concept of the world warming up is accurate, but I'm not sure many do. I do think that the climate is definitely changing, I mean, parts of the US are getting heaps of snow, that never get snow. Sure, it's just one winter and I may just be stupid, but I guess we can wait and see.

@BeerManMike: I also blame climate change. It's cute how you seem to think global warming would just make the planet as a whole have higher temps.

@Cobaltios: I'm just guessing, I mean, Uncharted 3 in November, and it's a popular series, so I can assume (hope) that there will be a fourth.

I'll be sad if it ends next year, because then I'll never get to play Uncharted 4.

But see, he's just an author. Big companies don't need to give credit to those little book writing automatons. They're far too inventive and creative for that sort of nonsense.

Oh my god yes, this new format does not work well on smaller/lower res screens, and even on full sized ones... It's just clunky and ugly. At this point I'd rather browse on my Ipod and just stick to the portable website, at least that one is fast and easy to browse through quickly, even if embedded videos don't work.

@bakura: I couldn't finish Amnesia. I think I'll be able to make it through Dead Space 2 without much trouble.

@antonynnz: I think it differs from person to person. I enjoy the community aspect in multiplayer of working together to build something cool. Other people enjoy building incredibly detailed structures, some people just like exploring the worlds. I'd say it's hard to name one reason. It's comparable to the Sims in

@Faren22: Clearly the super missile is actually very compact. It contains a spring loaded center that causes it to grow in size after being released from the containment center. This causes it to appear more threatening to her opponents, while at the same time freeing up space inside her arm for a couple of drinks or

Holy crap, this is awesome. I got free prime membership for being a student, and now I might actually take advantage of it.

So. Yeah.

@Fernando Jorge: I've worked as a volunteer moderator on a few forums, including the hell pit that is Nsider2. It sucks. On every level. Don't even bother asking my motive for doing the work, it isn't power, but I do enjoy suspending the accounts of the actual dicks that show up. You get very little recognition for

@Lusit: "Your quote isn't nearly as good as that other guy's." - Gildron