
So happy to see Gizmodo acknowledging Windows Phone. Great job, guys. Also happy that iOS is not first. ;)

No shit?

Up until the latest generation of iPhone hardware, the color options were slim. In fact, they seemed to take a page almost straight out of Henry Ford's book allowing customers to have any color they wanted, so long as it was black or white.

There, I fixed it for you...

Seriously? Our lady of Endor?

Oooo, I am SO coming back to visit this post in an hour or two. With popcorn and everything.

It is also easier to travel through air (or a vacuum) than rock.

Or look at it this way...

As a small child born in the latter half of the 60's, I wanted to be an astronaut. It's hard to explain to younger people today how much astronauts were admired as hero's because no such types of people exist or have existed for decades. Astronauts were the last hero's universally admired. There was no disagreement

Shipping costs must be a bitch...

Ha! Goddard underestimated power of the Human Maginot Line of Stupidity.

It's sad that people like Goddard were treated like they were crazy. If the worlds governments would take 25% of the money they spend on military expenses and use it toward space exploration it would be interesting to see where humans would be in space.

"The only barrier to human development is ignorance, and this is not insurmountable."

Really nobody's gonna put the man there? I mean say all you want, but giving your life up for the kid of the love of a woman that never loved you back.... that's well....thats dedication if anything.

I think some people are just misinformed, but here:

Godspeed Bill, Jebediah and Bob Kerman.

Time for TEPCO to spring back into action!

Rocket explodes -> upper atmosphere contamination -> general fuck of the entire world