
This is a profound waste of time for the Chinese. The challenge with building a 747 is not in putting the parts together. It's knowing why those parts exist in the first place, and even more importantly how to get the parts made to spec, shipped and put into place on time from suppliers around the world. All of that

Not to mention, the first lunar landing in the age of cheap miniature cameras and easy data transmission.

What I really hope they do is wheel that sucker over to a couple of the Apollo sites and really stick it to the moon landing hoaxers.

JJ Abrams will be proud.

That would never have worked in KSP.

Look, let's just get this out of the way, since it needs to be said any time this debate pops up:

"Soda" is good.
"Pop," in my opinion, is a little antiquated-sounding, but ultimately fine.

I care, and its really annoying how, blatantly biased are all Gawker sites against WP

You're terrific. There, feel better?

But of course Americans will hear "Nuclear Energy" and run in fear.

You've won me over. After your explanation the aesthetics side of things makes sense. Might be the most reasonable comment I've read in the interwebs all day as well.

North Iran is BEST Iran! Ugh, it's just not as much fun.

What they still using in the fleet!

When filing taxes, too bad there’s no option for applying part of your tax refund to NASA or the Federally-funded research project of your choice.

This is something that I happily pay taxes for.

Who the hell uses a banana peel for scale?

"Somebody wake up Hicks."

Alternatively, what would happen if all the water on earth turned into liquid Velveeta?

Memetic warfare. If they cannot coordinate, they cannot fight.

None of these are healthy debates, they're complete wastes of time.