
Great. great. great. foreveralone here. Thanks for making me feel better.


Not saying that it's aliens, but...

How could you mention Adventure Time without mentioning The Glitch?!

For me, an actual Start button is absolutely useless. All it does is to take up real estate on my taskbar. I tend to be minimalist, and thus a dedicated button is pointless when an invisible hot corner sufficed.

my big question is: can I disable the start button? Its presence add no additional functionality, and only serves to take up valuable real estate on the taskbar.

Now if they sold it with the center straight part painted dark red...

yep. still 1,000,000 K. It's like sticking your hand into a 400 degree oven (assuming you don't touch anything) compared into dipping it into 100 degree (celsius, of course) water. The second one is going to hurt a lot more.

it's "hotter" in that the average kinetic energy of the molecules are higher further away from the surface. but it's so much less dense (that sounds so awkward) that it wouldn't feel "hotter" per se.

I mean, Johnny Depp plans on having his ashes mixed with some whiskey, and then having said whiskey served to all guests at his funeral.

io9 also has an article on this. The brain was fixed in paraffin wax, which made it rigid enough to be cut without deformation and didn't distort the structures.

I think you are in a very minor minority... I can't stand using a standard 4:3 screen because I feel like there's space missing from the sides of the screen.

I wonder how long it would take them to notice if someone snuck a picture of a gorilla into one of the slices.

ACHTUNG! Alles touristen und non-technischen peepers!

Das machine control is nicht fur gerfinger-poken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowen fuse, und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken

WP is the easiest to use by far. The typography-based interface makes the meaning of every control unambigously clear - every menu item is either text, or has a text label. Like iOS, there is also a unified interface across ALL apps, stock and third-party alike, so navigation is uniform across the phone.

So what happens to the $2k bike when the kids get a little taller? My $400 kids' Giant lasted me maybe 4 years before I got too big for it. In retrospect, I feel terrible for picking that bike and making my parents spend that much on something that now just sits in the garage collecting dust. If the kid really likes

just go to skymotion's website. they have a webapp.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge?

Does anyone remember the Zune HD? Does basically the same thing with its home screen.