
do it the old fashioned way with smoke signals/semaphores/shouting :P

sarcasm can be somewhat communicated via the < sarcasm> tag.

To all the people touting the reliability of a landline: what if your phone line gets knocked out too? (too much snow, falling trees, etc.)

True that. Phone lines carry their own power. Phone service through your cable company is just VoIP, just like Vonage.

I dunno. Spotify and other streaming music services go that point. People are VERY willing to pay $10 a month to get all their music...

A landline makes DSL cheaper. When we moved to our new house three years ago, we decided to ditch landline because we never used it. Our 756 kb DSL was $32, but they told us that we'd have to pay $42 to use it w/o a phone service. We ditched DSL for cable, which does not go through the phone lines. We're now paying

Businesses are failing to grasp a very simple yet important concept - that people are not willing to pay for their goods (at the prices that they are charging). This is why people pirate stuff. If people feel that they are getting their money's worth, they would not pirate stuff. People pay for Spotify instead of

right-o. imho a good starter telescope would the the StarBlast EQ from Orion. I got mine 5/6 years back, and I am still loving it. Orion has temporarily dropped the price back down to $200 (which is what I costed back when I bought mine) for the holidays.

that's not as bad as fire nut stomp...

This is a prime example of why we need technocrats in the government! People who think the internet is a series of tubes is deciding on this matter...

The congresspeople from those 4 states are the primary sponsors of the SOPA bill

yay moisture farming!

Thus begins the Matrix.

heh. picture redacted. portal 2, anyone?

or just run it on a vm.

the tiles are definitely omnimo

I need this phone. NAO!

That's about right. If you look closely at my calculator's graph, you'll notice labels like "f1_1" and "f1_2"

Stealth Mode won't even run 6 tabs in Chrome without lag.

My m15x requires 150 W of power... And I only have 3 USB ports...