
Yeah good luck enforcing that law. LOL 

If it keeps on burning, rolling on the river may do it.

Not Billy Joel, because we know he didn’t start the fire.

What about a Creedence Clearwater Revival CD? If that sets it ablaze, Who’ll Stop The Fire?

I have enough hate in my body to go around, trust me, no one will be left wanting.

He’s gen Z’s version of Jimmy Fallon.

I hate Pete Davidson for 2 reasons:

At first glance, I thought the picture of Pete Davidson at the top of the article was a slimmed-down Guy Fieri. 

I believe you’ll find the vast majority of responses to your question will be “No.”

Have you been to a Gamestop lately? I picked up groceries and some power steering fluid while looking for some Splatoon Amiibo reissues the other day.

I find coverage of said youtubers even more tedious than the stunts.

So he made a shitty hybrid? Truly a genius who has invented something new that completely does not exists /sarcasm.

They didn’t “plug in” but charged at a generator all night? I guess TECHNICALLY they didn't plug into electricity, but that's like saying something akin to "gas car drives 1600 miles not stopping at a single gas station" while they just filled up from 5 gallon jugs the whole time. 

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Hamburglar, and Hell followed with him.”

I could go to the gas station and buy sub ingredients or find something close. Then let it sit in my car for a week. After that I can assemble a sub and it would be better than subway.

Tig Notaro is waiting by the phone.

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

Did they get it from a Tim Hortons in Langley?

If you don’t know which guy

I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...