Abigail Hamilton

Dolly, she who missed the peeing siblings in her bed when she left home and who described the floor of her childhood home during winter as looking like chenille (snow coming up through the cracks between the floorboards), is most definitely not into this. When she wants fake, she wants FAKE, not simulacra. (You can wat

You are living THE life.

Not treating it seriously?! Hmmm.

Let's just eat them. Lots of them. And not the Safeway kind, the kind with actual texture.



[kwah- sahn] is perfectly acceptable! Sounds nice and true to the French.

You prefer [kroy' sahnt] or [kra sahn']?


I think this is the very essence of many tropes, a few of which are:

I spent two of my seconds trying to get back at you for being so utterly wrong about mayonnaise, the food of the gods.

thanks for that!

Thank you for defending the wonderful Katamari.

This is a hugely important article. Thank you. The whole subject is so bananas, I am impressed you even knew where to start!

I love you.

You hit the nail on the head. It's the 90% right-for-you partners that are the most difficult to move along from.

And then you can go. Cla22ic.

"She has stomped a hole in the floor, Rumpelstiltskin style" made me VERY happy. Thank you.

The point is, learn from those mistakes or the sex you regret. Let your own inner feeling be your guide — as long as it's safe, as long as there is enthusiastic consent, you are on the right path.