
But then again kill one white female character and there's still a half dozen more on screen with interesting plots and back stories, but the only black female character the magician's has chosen to show so far was little more then a plot device for the character advancement of the white female main in a sterotypical

Except some of us did noltice it almost the minute she appeared on the screen, so no its evidence to nothing.

Or just don't be a lazy writer that uses a tired cliché? You could have taken away that as well.

I think whether or not she is or isn't doesn't change the fact that Kiera character was a sterotype we've seen a million times before. Out of an entire paragraph describing why I disliked the character the fact you chose to pick the one line that could be about the white character tells me all I need to know.

I totally agree with the writer about the Kiera plot, it was what they call the "magical negro" cliche we've seen way to much in tv/cinema. I rolled my eyes through the entire scene because it kept getting worse with every cliche line they had her say. Like why does female black characters always say the lame