Yeah it has a life as the centerpiece for Trump’s 2020 campaign
Yeah it has a life as the centerpiece for Trump’s 2020 campaign
Do you care to explain how gerrymandering is costing the Democrats Senate seats?
Nancy’s not as dumb as all of you. Support for impeachment is 20% and falling after the Mueller hearings. Nothing would be better for Trump than to keep the Gang of Four and their fellow travelers out in front of the cameras braying about impeachment. It’s playing especially badly in the swing states - control of…
The proof will be in the pudding. Liberals assume that everyone believes or cares about their high minded rhetoric and demand that everyone live life through the lens of racial grievance. Political scientists and smart politicians know that in reality, people vote pocketbook issues. It’s a cold hard fact that the…
Trump isn’t pursuing Black voters in the way you are imagining. Black voters have been in the tank for democrats for 50+ years and everyone knows it. Given that, no Republican is going to lose much sleep over them, either pre- or post-election. When you’re less than 10% of the voting population, and as a group have…
Yeah wow so you guys are going to double down on that it’s great that Sweden is keeping a black man in jail? You’re defending Sweden in this? It sure is a thing that Trump has so broken your brains that you’re in favor of punitive incarceration for a bullshit incident. I guess black lives only matter when it helps…
Did you read the article?
Boy oh boy is it an inconvenient fact that African Americans commit more murder than whites in absolute number, and way more in proportion.
So the net is, Democrats have illegals working for their campaigns. No wonder they’re so desperate to keep the phony collusion conspiracy in the spotlight.
She’s just not going to answer any question she doesn’t want to, and screech RACISM afterwords, and all her fawning sycophants will clap like big dumb idiots
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Lol, a general strike because you’re mad that Hillary forgot the rust belt existed? Yes I’m sure your entire tumblr community will follow you and the impact to the economy will be so massive that it’ll pass completely without notice
Trump....right about Puerto Rican government? Huh, weird stuff! And here we had it on very good authority (very smart and educated Splinter bloggers) that PR was a shining light of honesty and goodness and Trump was triple hitler for pointing out how corrupt they are
Just because they’re a bunch of incompetent cosplaying retards doesn’t mean they’re not a danger. Just ask Andy Ngo
Left wing terrorists are ‘activists’
-or- Antifa
Jesus Christ have I been trading comments with Tomatoface? God dammit, you got me. well done.
Maybe if Antifa appeared to be something other than a bunch of trust fund kids cosplaying and putting innocent people in the hospital, people would feel differently. Having said that, Liberals supporting Antifa is something Trump couldn’t have wished for in his deepest fever dream. It’s a great thing for Trump’s…
Wow, so you’re ignorant and a xenophobe