My Head Is Shaped Like a Candy Corn (Hi Nolan!)

I think we can both agree that you’re confused.  Which shouldn’t preclude the fact that you’re lacking in both historical context and enough baseline intelligence to put an argument together, but the confusion definitely shines through.  Maybe you should try a simpler game like watching your shadow on the wall for a

I’m old enough to remember when Gerald Ford was a Fascist. Then it was Reagan, Bush 1, Bob Dole, Bush 2, McCain, and finally Romney. This is absolutely the classic boy who cried wolf.

Antifa is an in-kind gift to Trump 2020. The fact that the Splinter commentariat cheered them putting Andy Ngo in the hospital, and make the same excuses for them wearing masks that white democrats made for the KKK wearing masks is an irony that should be lost on nobody, but certainly will.

You sure manage to pack a lot of stupid into relatively few words, which I suppose is a skill of a sort.  I’m sort of hoping at this point you’re a markov chain, but starting to lose hope because nobody could program a bot to be as dumb as you

I thought you didn’t debate fascists? You bragged about that in this thread:

“He corrected my use of a word that in retrospect I clearly don’t understand. He must be a Fascist!”

Yes, I’m sure one of your problems is ‘friendship requests’.  Even your phrasing of that makes me think you’ve never actually spoken to a human being other than your incoherent rage online.  That or you’re some sort of lib-bot project a 1st year CS student made for laughs.

If Bill DiBlasio does to the power vertical what he’s done to every other aspect of NYC Government, it’ll do wonders. I might just open a candle store in Manhattan in anticipation of this wondrous possibility.

Perhaps your confusion is over the definition of the word ‘debate’. Making new definitions for words (that already have accepted definitions) and screaming FASCIST isn’t debate.  If you had friends, I’d feel sorry for them having to deal with you. Lucky for all involved that you dont.

Typical Liberal. When you’re all out of ideas, just scream NAZI and KILL YOURSELF until your fellow travelers give you your feel good star

You dont debate with anyone. You put your pudgy fingers in your ears and scream at the top of your lungs until you get your participation trophy. But yeah, in that you are a arch-typical modern American liberal.

Except for that you’re just making shit up now.  Otherwise, great job

“Aspiring Fascists” == everyone with whom I disagree

So when Trump said Puerto Rico had corrupt leadership you all jumped down his throat as a quadruple hitler level racist, now you’re cheering for the corrupt leader of Puerto Rico to resign?  Boy oh boy if you didn’t have double standards, you’d have none at all.

If you want the concerns of some dwindling religious cult to carry the day against science, then yes, that’s exactly what you’re saying, unless you’ve got another perfectly situated mountain for the telescope that only you know about? After all we wouldn’t want to piss off some dirt god or pineapple god or something

It’s great fun watching liberals twist themselves into pretzels defending Islam’s treatment of women, and dogpiling on a young WoC because she doesn’t want to get with that program.  Well done all around

Don’t expect anyone here to understand the intent of the founding fathers.  After all, some of them owned slaves, so all of their ideas are worse than double hitler and because i’m mad about Orange Man, we need to have a violent revolution because surely the next government will be way more in tune with my Tumblrina

You can spin any conspiracy you want, but if the Democrats nominate someone who is calling for open borders (which is what everyone outside of the Splinter echo chamber understands ‘decriminalizing border crossings’ to be), free healthcare for illegals, taking away everyone’s private health insurance, and reparations,

Great idea!  Primary every dem senator from the far left so we can get 80 republicans in the Senate, but the 20 remaining dems will get Splinter’s Stamp of Purity

So we should halt the cause of science and progress because you’re mad about Christianity? I thought you people called yourselves the ‘reality based community’ i guess that was all bullshit