My Head Is Shaped Like a Candy Corn (Hi Nolan!)

Yeah who needs science anyways? It’s much better just to sit around with our thumbs up our asses worrying about ‘sacred land’. I’m sure the imaginary gods of the Hawaiian pantheon will answer all of our questions so we don’t need science.

You won’t be engaging me any further because you’re full of shit, and I’ve called you out on it. You claim to be part of some double top secret cabal of law enforcement leadership that just loves the politics of the far left, and you’re discussing it on a young adult ‘news’ blog. Sure thing. Hey, ask your uncle about

So you’re all for criminal justice reform and so on except when Trump does a thing, then you cheer lustily for keeping a black man in jail.  But you’re not racists.

I’m not the one who threatens others. You can read my post history if you like, and go on and read the responses. At least once a week some keyboard warrior threatens me. All I’ve done is point out how silly it is for American liberals to want a violent revolution. I generally assume people wishing for violence have

Oh, hey, look, Splinter’s own defender of radical Islam’s treatment of the LGBTQ community? Hey Biji, show us on the doll where the LGBTQ community touched you so that you hate them so much that you like to see them thrown off buildings?

SURE you work in a leadership role in law enforcement. I bet your uncle works at Nintendo too.

So your perspective is, essentially, that there’s no such thing as a national border for a nation that has people who are not the first people in that particular area?

Why do you assume that US citizens are descended from Illegals? I mean if you just don’t understand what the word means, or you don’t believe in laws or national borders, that’s fine and you can continue to wallow in your bubble of ignornace, but you can go to Ellis Island and see the records of the tens of millions

Yes, I saw the 300 paragraphs of millennial naval gazing.  There were certainly racists at the Trump rally.  There are also people who love to scream RACISM at any and all times regardless of the merit of the charge, which is why it’s lost it’s currency outside the far left bubble and their enablers in the media.

Another internet toughguy! You know, in the past, leftist revolutions have had some capable people in the vanguard, people that have at least been in a fist fight once in their life, or been in the same room as a firearm without shitting all over themselves. This time? I guess you’ll have to make due with blue haired

Implicated in what? Partying with Epstein? Is your assumption that everyone that associated with Epstein is guilty of pedophilia?

I mean, the lawsuits are under way. Lawsuits, especially 9 figure ones, take some time. CNN, NBC, Washington Post...not sure that’s all of them. In the rush to appear woke, nobody considered that doxxing a bunch of innocent kids (despite Nick Martin’s most desperate efforts to prove elsewise) would be actionable.  I’m

Or, alternatively, if you keep screeching RACISM at the top of your lungs 24x7 you’ll surely pick up votes in all the swing districts that gave Democrats the majority in 2018

So you’re doubling down on the Covington HS boys, eh? Nice work, I guess you’re not capable of embarrassment, which is probably a qualifying factor for you to write pieces like this. I’m sure Slate or The Jacobin will have a nice unpaid blogger slot for you when Gawker shits the bed again.

Good job at reading comprehension. Maybe they should have held you back in 3rd grade. Khakis and oxfords are what normal adult men wear that aren’t in the physical laboring class. Of course the blogging young adult crowd wears onesies or whatever the most twee clothes they can find and afford. 

So all the panic on Splinter the last few days, the millions of words written about it, all because she didnt call Pelosi a racist? You’re the only person who didn’t hear the dog whistle I guess. Of course she walked it back immediately when she got called out on it. She may be a hot headed millenial but she certainly

Khakis are comfortable and go well with Oxford shirts, and usually have deep enough pockets so a phone doesn’t slide out. Maybe if you could afford something other than flannel pants and crocs you would know this.

Right.  She calls Pelosi a racist, expecting the whole world to clutch their pearls and faint on the couch like what usually happens when she (or most of the rest of her generation) accuse someone of racism.  When that didn’t happen, she was smart enough to walk it back “oh, no of course I don’t think the woman I

You don’t care so much you’re responding to my post.  You definitely are a try hard not care.  You probably also say “I could care less” when you mean “I could not care less” and don’t wash your hands after you shit.

You mean her “sorry not sorry” non apology?  She’s sorry she got called out on it, i’d guess she’s shocked, pulling the race card has always gotten her exactly what she wanted.