My Head Is Shaped Like a Candy Corn (Hi Nolan!)

It’s really hard to figure out why both parties court the white vote.   It’s such a complete and total mystery that we may never solve it.

Lol, sure. Which candidate is going to beat him? The one calling for open borders? Free healthcare for illegals? Reparations for Obama’s daughters but not some dirt poor people not descended from slaves?

Trump hasn’t started any wars, and is doing the right thing in avoiding military intervention in Iran. We haven’t had a president since Carter that could say that.

How exactly does Iran have Trump over a barrel? I get it that you’re cheering for Iran, but they really don’t hold any cards here. Trump can do nothing and Iran’s economy will continue to circle the drain. Short of sinking an oil tanker, which will make Iran the enemy of the entire world, what exactly do you think

You guys just don’t like what the poll found.  Not that what you are saying is invalid, any poll should reveal it’s methodology and data if it’s to be considered legit.  Having said that, yeah, AOC is the face of the Democrat party now, for better or worse.  Given that Socialism is still fantastically unpopular with

This seems to be all you add to the discussion.  Leave it to ‘liberals’ to police what is being said, without adding anything themselves. 

Trump is trying (successfully? seems like it so far) to get the Democrats to position themselves as the party that hates America. He’s being aided and abetted by several sleeper agents in the Democrat party (Ilhan Omar) and various stooges in the private sector (Nike, Starbucks, etc). Trump can lose every single

I sincerely appreciate you trolling the low info splinterites with this, but since they mostly seem to think History started in 2008, they’re probably not going to get the joke or that Walter Mondale was a thing. Kind of like when Ulysses S Grant defeated Truman in 1948

Huh, it turns out that there are certain PoC who don’t like being called uncle toms or racists when they don’t agree with the young turks. Hard to imagine, really.

Those people aren’t going to be better off in the event of Civil War 2, you realize that, right?

Everyone who disagrees with Kinja commenter JescoWhite is a psychopath! Definitely something that a stable, well adjusted person would think!

Yeah how dare anyone hold an opinion that doesn’t match yours exactly? The nerve of some people, don’t they know you know what’s best for them?

Those 20 women should consider going to law enforcement if they have a credible case.  That’s how this works, like it or not.  Should one of them stick, you won’t have to worry about President Trump any more.  Sensational accusations on TMZ or HuffPo don’t carry the weight of law.

Harrowing article. I’ve always though the entire modelling/fashion industries are inherently exploitative, and even child actors, since it seems like they all become dysfunctional adults (I worked for a while with the Mikey Likes it kid. he’s a normal guy though), so I don’t know why any parent would push their kids

Why?  Because I disagree with you politically?  No wonder nobody listens to you, your ideas are infantile and terrible.

I think you might have something here. Since the big urban encleves of the NE and west coast (which, let’s admit, is where virtually all hard left liberals live) are utterly dependent on the interior for effectively all the essentials of life (food, water, power, manufacturing, etc), it’ll do well to rebalance the

Is this like the piss tape? If there’s actual evidence of Trump committing pedophilia (which I would think would be bigger news than just reported in the comments section of a young adult website), then it should be out in the open, and Trump should have to defend himself. As it stands, outside of a ‘pictures of him

Nope. If Trump is implicated, he has to go. I say that as a fan of Trump’s presidency, and not particularly wanting to see Mike Pence in charge.

Right about what? That because of their fierce moral urgency that they should bypass the normal path that every single freshman rep has to take? That because they are PoC that they should have more of a voice at the table than a woman who has been in the house since George Washington campaigned for her in the 18th

That picture is weird. Looks like he has a buffont hairdo.