
Lady needs some lessons from Charles Barkley, who’s comments supporting moving the NBA All-Star game from Charlotte are pretty awesome. And he’s a former professional sports ball star from a macho culture steeped in homophobia.

That’s just how she was raised!

Typical self righteous bigot with direct dial to God who talks out of both sides of her ass. “I have so many gay friends! I mean, they’re all gonna burn in hell, but boy do they have great fashion sense. Oh, the LGBT lifestyle, with its throw pillows and cocaine parties and it’s Velvet paintings of Tammy Faye Baker.

It's like she doesn't even understand who watches shows like American Idol.


Hate the sin not the sinner. How lovely of her.

“Having such a big platform, I wanted to use it for good”

Yes, prayer is bad. Mollifying idiots through imbecilic ritual stunts the intellectual growth of our species. We will not - and can not - advance until the morons who deify their imaginary friends are silenced.

Wishing for something to happen will never make it so, not now, not ever. If you believe wishes come true you’ll believe anything; the real problems begin when wishers vote other wishers into office where they create wishing-based legislation instead of using science/reason to guide their thoughts. Wishing has

Way to completely miss the point, or rather way to ignore the point because you wanted to shove in your own stuff.

It was a piss-poor political speech from a redneck who makes duck calls, you sanctimonious redneck.

Private prayer. Public prayers, particularly when they make no effort whatsoever to be ecumenical, tend to only make the in-group comfortable while making those who don’t hold those belief get the message they are not welcome at all. People who pray privately for themselves are wonderful, like that guy in Matthew

I think it’s a Give a Mouse a Cookie situation

Yes, from the show’s crystal clear storytelling, how could she have possibly made that mistake?

The same thing that’s to stop you from walking into the women’s restroom right now, the door. That’s literally the only thing stopping you from doing this right this moment. Today you can simply walk into a woman’s restroom any time you like. You simply have to defeat the sign showing the little dress on the door. It

Far more likelihood of women temporarily assuming men's gender so that they don't have to wait in ungodly long lines everywhere...

Yes! I love her to death too. And if any of you were wondering what to get me for my birthday...

Jimmy Carter is a thousand times the person you will ever be, but yes political boycotts of sports are not useful. This wouldn’t be about politics though, it would be an attempt saving athletes from death by dysentery.

My "gay lifestyle" is working 45 hours a week, coming home, hanging out with my longtime girlfriend while playing video games or watching tv and doing chores. On those rare occasions that we have time off together, we see movies, go to Capitals and Nationals games or sightsee.