
I saw that Laura Dern/Baron Davis story earlier and it’s gone a long way to undoing the horror of 2017. Get it girl.

You know what though? The penis is fucking revered enough. There are literal and figurative dicks everywhere. I appreciate she also painted a vagina but it was verrrry abstract. I don’t necessarily have a problem with anatomical paintings but enough with the almighty penis.

I haven’t read the book but I would and I’m open to liking it. That movie though. Ugh. I like the cat in the movie but that’s about it.

Fucking Catcher in the fucking Rye. Hate hate hate that book.

I’m just going to say it; Breakfast at Tiffany’s is not that good and Holly Golightly is a horrible character. In my opinion, of course.

Yes!!! Switzer’s had a huge department store at the bottom of Grafton Street that is now the high end Brown Thomas. Switzer’s were famous for their Christmas windows! It would be a tradition to go into town and see them unveil the windows. Brown Thomas still carry this on but they’ve always been a bit cold and sterile

Trying to start a pagan monument-off.

Getting to Kerry from other parts of Ireland is awkward! Getting from one part of Kerry to another part of Kerry is awkward! But it’s part of why I love going there, it feels far away from everything in a very good way. Not being so easy to get there just makes it more special. You will get there!

Well near in relative terms. Kerry is on the other side of the country but only a few hours drive away. I was able to visit the island by a fluke. We were in the area and got on a cancellation list but you can book and make the trip and if the weather is bad the boats won’t cross so it’s never a guarantee.

Newgrange is impressive but we’re fairly spoilt for prehistoric/historic sites. It’s not technically prehistoric (in terms of the human settlements there) but the Skelligs are the most incredible place I’ve ever been to anywhere in the world and it’s right on my doorstep. I’m biased but I still find it mind boggling

Sure go on! Also Irish people joke about how other nationalities think we all know each other but it’s literally the first thing two Irish people who’ve just met do; try and figure out who they might have in common.

Well there’s a space on my couch if you ever fancy the journey over for it!!

It warms my cold Celtic heart to see this profiled here. It really is a spectacular event given that it was built so precisely thousands of years ago so as to allow the inner chamber to be flooded with sunlight on the solstice. I’ve been as a school kid but not during the solstice. Would LOVE to though. Hashtag older

Of all the reasons to hate Donald Trump you jumped straight to “Jew hater”. Sure ok.

I hate him so much.

Sorry yes! Nickelodeon! But at this rate it’s probably safe to assume that every male producer everywhere is a predator so my mistake probably won’t be for long.

Seriously. He’s a vile predator. I very much hope his days are numbered. I’ve mentioned before that in the documentary An Open Secret his name is bandied about juuuuust enough to make the association clear without actually incriminating him. I hope the makers of the film have a cut where they go to town on him. Or a

Sounds to me like the studio is safeguarding the project as the Reckoning continues. Bryan Singer must be seriously connected to not have been named thus far (as well as quashing it the last time it was).

Yeah it reminds me of the Handmaid’s Tale skit they did last year. Every time I recall it it makes me laugh-sigh.