
Oh wait the best bit is saying she wished she had called DT a creep during the debates! Book purchased.

Somewhat related because the biggest small time dick of all is 45 but Hillary Clinton is on Graham Norton NOW and she’s doing great. She still sounds like a politician (cos duh) but there’s a lot of humanity coming through too. Fav bit so far is telling the story of trying to get out of the inauguration. Thought you

It’s not terrible. The first one is ok (if not a little heavy handed with its wokeness) but they’re just not very good. They don’t make a whole lot of sense. People will probably remember “those weird lady ads” and not know who they were for. I was sarky about it upstream in the comments but like it hasn’t ruined my

I had a client running a very simple tactical pricing press ad. Sure, fine, but you know we tried doing something playful and different to make it stand out as best it could. Cut to maybe a couple dozen rounds later the client drew up what she wanted and FAXED IT TO US. That’s not even the most egregious example just

Though, I do relate to having an overstuffed bag and clearing it out, only for it to be restuffed with the same shit but in a slightly more organized way which lasts about 30 seconds before I need to find something at the bottom. So maaaaybe there was a woman overseeing that one.

I bet a female creative team was behind the first one. Maybe the last. Maybe.

Look, the first line of my very first comment on this thread acknowledges this. I have empathy for well intentioned men who have become over cautious of what they are and aren’t allowed to do.

Dude stop. So many people here have taken time out to try and genuinely help you and you’re not getting it, becoming increasingly offensive, and good old fashioned mansplaining right back to us why all of us are wrong and you and your experience is the correct one.

I feel like perhaps you’re responding to our man friend on this thread who seems very confused and offended by women’s disinterest in him because I wholeheartedly agree and also would buy and read your dating advice book should you write one. Please call it Cat’s Pyjamas.

You sound like you want to get it, but I don’t think you do.

It’s a minefield for guys. I know a lot of times when you try to explain harassment to men they wonder where does that leave flirting or asking a person out. All I can tell them is be aware of the signals, if someone is uncomfortable or not engaging leave them alone. If it’s going well, ask them out, but if that makes

I’d love to but the secret service force me to stay at least 50 feet away at all times. Those pesky agents are tricksy let me tell ya.

Absolutely and don’t get me wrong the people who knew and/or facilitated the behavior are garbage people who should rot in hell but not everyone who knew some or all of it were in a position to come forward. The A list power players saying they are shocked and appalled are second to top of my shit list.

Riverdale is terrible and I have watched every episode. Do it.

Your hand should be in a museum. I miss Barack and Michelle very much.

Could have been Drew Barrymore who was in the first Scream with him. Could have been Jen Aniston as Courtney Cox was also in Scream with him. Mostly I’m just noting that Skeet Ulrich was in Scream.

She does have excellent hair. As someone who struggles with very fine hair I am eternally jealous. I also don’t hate that last dress, it’s sort of cool, but as a collective, yikes.

She did this to herself??

Obligatory gif.

I am giving you (a friendly) side eye right now. Overblown? They look so alike. Even if Mia Farrow and Sinatra didn’t have a known romantic relationship (which they did), say they just ran in broad social circles, it wouldn’t be a leap just looking at them to think Sinatra was his father.