Candito Bambino

I'm more than slightly ashamed by how entertained I was by this episode. Does this mean that Uncle Grandpa might not be as terrible as I thought it was? Does it? DOES IT?! I'm interested in UG's checklist, though. I just can't see Buttercup allowing him to be around her for too long without introducing him to Punchy

Holy shit-snacks. I am so in awe of this insanity that… yeah. I don't even know what to say here. People like this make me wonder if I really watch TV.

I've watched both of these episodes about six times now and it's still just as great. I'm a little disappointed that both Lion and Onion being in Steven's contacts list wasn't mentioned in "Stray Observations". I need an episode of Steven calling either one of them.

I think the Alexandrians have lasted as long as they have because their motto seems to be "Fuck it, I'm out." When you leave others to be fodder for the enemy while you get away, you'd be able to live a little longer than you probably should. So they either don't take risks or just have other deal with the

I feel a great sense of pride or something after hearing this. I made it to 1:21 into the song. Go me! Does that make me a royal? If it doesn't, I feel like it should.