
In addition to control (or, rather, a Hannah-centric universe) is that Hannah wants every day to be filled with excitement and writerly fodder. Adam is doing the pedestrian hard work of trying to do something well (and where success or failure is in front of a literal audience of dozens upon dozens). This requires a

I'm assuming that Jones hasn't spent all the "conflict money." If it was all so terrible, has he given the money back? Given it to charity? Is that crickets I hear?

It's tv, so they clearly will take it somewhere extreme (look at 99% of Winston's story lines). But I have seen way too many cases where after deposition the client who was all fired up to sue suddenly loses the appetite to spend more money.

What was called the "threat of paperwork" translates in real life to "case not worth the billable fees." Nick may not know what he's doing, but he might stumble into a kernel of a legitimate defense. The lawyers wouldn't pay the guy any money, but they'd tell him to find a lawyer who'd take such a small case on

The criticisms are here are swatted away by saying, "this over here seemed a problem, but maybe not really!" I guess, then, Todd is also not easily angered.

Todd keeps no record of Girls's wrongs, as evidenced by giving this a hard A despite having criticisms that would have bumped other shows to lower grades.

C+ episode at most. What are there, a half a dozen plots tossed up in the air and barely fleshed out? This week seemed like someone's first draft.

The nitpicks generally seemed kinda weak (e.g., the notion that two people in the practice could go back and others stay is a pretty common thing that happens on business trips and not a plotting problem).

I just caught this on On Demand. There is no reason this show is in the Friday wasteland. I see no reason why this isn't in Dads's time slot.

I was never feeling Stephanie, but I feel bad that she got eliminated in that manner. However, going in, the team should have had some kind of strategy for dealing w the elimination issue, like that if the non-immunity folks veto an idea, it needed to go. And I suspect that Nicholas IS a bit of a douche.

His was a remake. Just excise the CB version from your brain and listen to the Donny Hathaway version.

ITA. There is nothing that we've seen that indicates Alicia has any sense of what's going on in Peter's office right now. She's juggling too many of her own plates to be interested in the machinations of his. Since Alicia's estranged from Diane and Will right now, who would be telling her?

So, after the family has made a plan, Marshall takes a job, doesn't tell Lily, waits to tell her while he is on the road and they can't talk face to face. But Lily shouldn't be mad because Marshall fessed up.

It wasn't simply the reviews. I think because Hollywood finds Julian Assange interesting, it thinks the rest of the country does. Oops.

… and Winston's "brokenness" seems so divorced from reality it once again highlights they don't know what to do with that character. B at best.

The camera obscura idea about Vermeer isn't all that novel.  It's all over the Girl with a Pearl Earring: Dutch Paintings from the Mauritshuis exhibition, which currently is touring the country, and it's a concept that's been out there for years.   Given that it's a fairly standard idea, this seems like it would be

This just makes Willow's decision to stop the madness seem all the wiser. There is something really creepy about trying to make your child your Mini Me.

I think he's the first Lannister of any stripe to use the family name for purely altruistic purposes.

Maybe we can get little Damon back if Happy Endings gets cancelled.

We have the wait a month rule in my state, only it's after 3 tries.  Perhaps they hope that you take another turn with driver's ed or something in between. 
P.S.   They made me retake my picture for "too much smile" too.