
Given the absurdly high marks this show gets in virtually every review on this site, what would have been refreshing is not another Girls love fest  but an article by someone who isn't drooling about the show.

ITA.  It's one thing to have a proper relationship, do long distance, and then circle back.  This was almost solely a relationship through Skype.  Having the person there, in real life, is a whole different ballgame.  Also, I suspect that, given Wade's seemingly grounded nature, the inanity of the cul-de-sac crew

This was very Sophia Coppola-esque. And Girls suffers from the same "one note played over and over but in different settings" weaknesses.

I'm just happy this movie is finally out so I don't have to suffer through seeing it's darned preview at every movie I go to like I have been forced to do for the last six months.

I am exceptionally late to the conversation, this is 100% dead on accurate.  The conversation with the men actually is worse (because it's tinged with, "you're a man, you know better").  The expectation, male or female is that your clients and work are the end all be all and everything else should be background noise.

I am exceptionally late to the conversation, this is 100% dead on accurate.  The conversation with the men actually is worse (because it's tinged with, "you're a man, you know better").  The expectation, male or female is that your clients and work are the end all be all and everything else should be background noise.

You should have led with directed by 27 Dresses/The Proposal helmer Anne Fletcher;  that would have told us everything we needed to know.

You should have led with directed by 27 Dresses/The Proposal helmer Anne Fletcher;  that would have told us everything we needed to know.

@RantersGonnaRant:disqus I took the end to be just the opposite of what you did.  The judge ignored the evidence and the verdict of the jury and injected his own opinion.  It seemed the kind of injustice - a b.s. outcome - that Marshall realized he could right by being a fair judge rather than by being an advocate

@RantersGonnaRant:disqus I took the end to be just the opposite of what you did.  The judge ignored the evidence and the verdict of the jury and injected his own opinion.  It seemed the kind of injustice - a b.s. outcome - that Marshall realized he could right by being a fair judge rather than by being an advocate

You'd think that with TNT showing Law & Order 8 hours a day that one of the writers might have found something vaguely tethered to reality.  Between the laziness of the A story, the weakness of the B story, and the utter "I want to punch someone in the face because this is so effing annoying-ness" of the C story, this

You'd think that with TNT showing Law & Order 8 hours a day that one of the writers might have found something vaguely tethered to reality.  Between the laziness of the A story, the weakness of the B story, and the utter "I want to punch someone in the face because this is so effing annoying-ness" of the C story, this

Dear Kanye -
More music, fewer bad art school projects, please.

Dear Kanye -
More music, fewer bad art school projects, please.

This really needs to be the last season.

This really needs to be the last season.

Well, strippers certainly are less complicated than computers.

Well, strippers certainly are less complicated than computers.

There is little talk about how the Opening Ceremonies had the highest ratings for an Olympic Opening ceremony ever.  People weren't watching those in anticipation of NBC's coverage.  So maybe folks need to stop assuming that the obsessive prime time watching was due to NBC's great work.

There is little talk about how the Opening Ceremonies had the highest ratings for an Olympic Opening ceremony ever.  People weren't watching those in anticipation of NBC's coverage.  So maybe folks need to stop assuming that the obsessive prime time watching was due to NBC's great work.