
Agreed.  Also, I gotta disagree with the premise that no one can see why Joan married her husband.  Let's go back to Peggy posting Joan's real age and the fact that Joan was living in fear of being the girl in the proverbial musical chairs game without a chair of her own.  I got why Joan was with him, and appreciated

Dude, it moved me too.

When you see the Fallon/Roots video, it's clear: Springsteen delights in playing with great musicians and moving the crowd.  It doesn't look like he's doing it because he needs the adoration of the crowd - he does it because he is having an effing good time.

Why oh why does this talentless man get to make movies?????

I guess we won't talk about how Robin doesn't want to get married, either.

This isn't too far afield from many forty-somethings who are a little hip and a little nerdy. If there are any "plants" (and hey, I like the Sugarland in spite of myself - don't judge) they probably are few.

Perhaps that is the designated "can get bent" comic book, one that some bully ruined years ago that he has kept for reading and enjoyment (like having the toy to play with and the one that shall never leave the box).

What is more irritating about this is that other shows get downgraded when they squander potential but this show is getting a boost for what it could be. It is as if the reviewers decided they are going to like the show regardless of what actually happens on the darned show.

Why do folks continue to grade this show on a curve for the show it could be rather than the C minus show it is?

Break up was set up before, with Alicia telling Grace that she was sorry she missed her call and not realizing that Grace was still very much religious.  Alicia said then that she had a lot of distractions and it was kind of a joke, but it was the seed for the beginning of the end.  I suspect that the issue was not

Since Barney and Ted decided they wanted to be joint dads the last episode, not nearly as funny as it otherwise might have been.

It's not that she's worried after a week (how many of us have been there…) - it's that she fails to get a pregancy test and tells Barney "I'm pregnant because I'm late and I'm never late."  It's just stupid. And Barney, the ladykiller doesn't bother to ask if she's taken a test (or point out that maybe she should). 

Dude is clearly grading on a generous curve.  There are some gaping issues that take this down several grade points.  First, given that Ted found Barney cleaning up rose petals on Robin's bed an episode or two ago, the complete cluelessness about something happening between them - or even a mention of the incident -

Yeah, I don't get the grade. Seems like a B+. And by having Justin, Jess didn't seem quite as ridiculous.

Simply saying that she's the nicest person she knows doesn't cut it. Their relationship has yet to be developed into anything.  Jess seems to struggle to have any normal interaction with other adults (which is why I wonder how on earth she keeps a job, even one involving children).  Right now, she seems to be a

Not seeing the point of the whole bit with Jess's inability to say penis.  It went on too long and grated, as so many of the "isn't she adorable"-isms tend to do on this show.  If she could say it, but just liked her infinite list of other names better, it might have been more entertaining. And, if she had alternate

Um, I don't have a Gallop poll to back my research, but I recall 20 years ago girls engaging in soap opera show levels of treachery, mind games, competing for boys and tarting themselves up.  It's called being a teenager.

MM looking young also fits into why everyone loves Penny's mom - who doesn't love the hot mom?

This is why I never understand why more networks don't have marathons or other ways to get you interested.  Perhaps this is one of the benefits of cable (or a DVR with lots of memory) - watching a pilot usually feels like a bad first date where everyone is trying too hard and it just makes you go, "meh." Seeing