Candide Yams

@Derbeste: Well if Windows 7 is any testament, I would say they learned a hefty lesson and are benefiting from it greatly.

@Baboonski: The problem with the PSP Go model is that Sony didn't enforce the policy of companies providing both digital and hard copies of their games. As a PSP Go and 360 owner, I certainly enjoy download-only games. It's more sustainable on the environment (no need to make cases), the companies get a full cut so

@Squiffy: I think that's what people are missing. They're getting "OMG SE is telling me how to play!!" and not realizing that hey, maybe switching things up is a good thing. Besides, as someone who has a job and real-life friends, I don't have time to play videogames for 8 hours a week as it is. I don't see the big

@Penny29: That UN piece would have been quite awesome. Africa, as large of a continent as it is has so many things they could've touched on in that game. I'd love to see more games set in Africa, because it is so diverse and so many things could really happen.

@Jouen: And that's the problem. If someone tries to have a conversation about race it gets derailed. Why can't we be adults and have a civil conversation about race without someone saying "you're too sensitive" or "move on"? Despite what we're told at birth, we are not colorblind and we need to stop acting like it.

@fuzzlemail: When game devs dive into racist imagery something needs to be said. If thye made a game about Chinese zombies and it followed the stereotypes of "Yellow Fever" and the like, there'd be an outrage too. There's a way to depict other ethnic groups and be tasteful.

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: Depends on how you define racism. You have to look at the history. Generally speaking, there haven't been any large movements of black people going out and systematically killing white people. But historically, whites (particular white men) have killed many

Why do I feel like there's going to be racial stereotypes made because of this?

@junyo: It's not really an ethhic thing related to family size as its related to education/class. Education is the best birth control invented.

@NaraVara: Say that to the gay white men who own iphones. So not true.

I hear now that you can get 212 via Verizon if you live in NYC.

@Shinkirou: My problem with the opene nded thing is that sometimes you don't know what to do next. I think I spent a good 2-3 hours when i first played Fallout 3 getting killed because I didn't know where I was going or what to do.

@Aladdin: Good thing I only use it for recipes I find online then, huh?

Oh and it's only available for iOs as an app. Meaning Android's left out.

I prefer Springpad, personally.

@Brian Crecente: Can we be friends? You're totally up my alley.

IF Zune is doing this (and with Zune being integral to WinPho7) I imagine that Xbox Live sooner or later will follow suit.