
No need to find the pencils, Betsy. By the time 2020 rolls around kids will be using slate and chalk again like they did in the good old days.

What a load of shite. Sorry, but this show is done for me. The characters aren't characters anymore. They're just tedious masses of quirks and tropes and ridiculous archetypes. And here's the thing; because they aren't really characters, the decisions they make have absolutely no meaning, and because the decisions

Cut my TV and YouTube viewing by at least 80% & do more reading/writing.

Just out of idle curiosity, are you defining "troll" as 'Someone with an opinion I don't like' or 'Someone I don't like with an opinion'?

Bottom line, if you judge Jones by the same standard she (and others) judge Milo, she comes off looking every bit as bad.

Is Breitbart wrong? Did Leslie Jones NOT tweet the following?