
Or make it inversely proportional to price, for example:

Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.

My friend’s 1913 Studebaker. The gear shift doubles as a bicep exercise machine. Great fun, though.

I used to own this 1949 Hudson a couple of years ago and drove it quite a bit. I was surprisingly reliable.

I agree with Tom, but if you’re going Swedish, go for the last, best looking Saab built.

The bobbing and floating Riviera at 5:08 was glorious.

Will they bring over a model with their Hydropneumatic Suspension? Because if they don’t, I don’t give a shit. Seriously, I want to see green spheres under my hood.

and while I’m embargoed from talking in too much detail about the car or how it drives just yet, I can tell you how much it’ll cost: between $28,595 and $42,495.

The best reason for them would be to wait four years and then order the most iconic Cadillac ever made.

I’ve never bought into the idea that Mason wanted Studebaker. Packard, yes. He’d approached both Packard and Hudson in the ‘40s with merger plans. Never Studebaker. Especially not with its spendthrift corporate reputation and absurd labor agreements.

obligatory sticker for Studebaker Larks, this ones on a wagon.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Lark wagon

I drive a ‘62, and these cars are awesome. The lack of any discernible front overhang means you can tool around any never worry about scraping, unlike any non-suv new car I’ve been in, plus the fuel economy gets close to 20mpg. These are insanely usable as DDs and super easy to wrench on., plus the novelty of having

Jalopnik needs more Studebaker


Larger “safer” pillars obstructing drivers’ fields of vision?