Okay can we talk about xoJane lately?? The other day I read the one from the woman who says that she thinks straight men just become gynecologists to grope women and I just
Okay can we talk about xoJane lately?? The other day I read the one from the woman who says that she thinks straight men just become gynecologists to grope women and I just
“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.
Starred for “watching Skittles circle around a toilet.” Made me snerk my iced tea up my nose.
“Why can’t women be honest and just tell a guy no?”
Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother
Just sit quietly in the trash heap life has assigned you. Any attempts to leave will be regretted.
that and laundry...JUST DON’T DO IT PEOPLE!!!
I’m fairly sure major home improvement is also the number one indicator for divorce- so it’ll either lead to instant death or the slower death of your relationship. Don’t do it.
But just to be on the safe side, leave your home exactly like it is. Don’t improve it. No trees, definitely. Why take a chance?
Bingo. A giant fuckin’ crybaby who holds a decades long grudge over someone saying he has tiny hands.
Ignore the jealous bitch. I think you look like a sexier Jack Antonoff, only not as skeevy.
I’ve mentioned her before, but one of my wife’s 3 living relatives is a retired nun. She lives in an assisted living facility in New Jersey now, and she is absolutely LIVID about all this birth control nonsense. Like, she acknowledges that it’s a component of the Catholic faith, but cannot figure out “What gives a…
it was unfair to religious nonprofits who might object to the concept of birth control
Only surprised no one had a gun.
Susan Sarandon isn’t without problems, but damn if I’m not here for this.
She has the Meh Girl Factor.
I just wrote an essay touching on this. As an old going back to college, I’m really stunned that we’re still having this discussion. I had to read a Woody Allen piece in the literature class I just took, and the entirety of my essay was basically: Fuck you. I mean, politely. But it was that short “play” about Death.…
Seriously, KStew gets heat (deservedly) for doing his shitty film, but this is the first mention of Steve Carrell? Fuck him. He’s older, wiser and he has daughters. There is NO EXCUSE for him here. Not a fan anymore.
Reading that hurt.
My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response: