
Friendly fire happens.
*hugs it out*

No more disappointed than they would be with Carrie Underwood playing the lead. There ARE black people in Austria, a very tiny population.. but they do exist. Hence the solo black nun.

I don't know, it's hard to think like a troglodyte.

Weird. I saw MORE white people in The Wiz Live than I saw black people in both the Sound of Music Live and Peter Pan Live…combined.

No weirder than paying Larry the Cable Guy or Dane Cook for anything.

Thanks Obama.

…ditto Zingers


You win. I just called it.

cassettes are kinda a loser. I admit. I have over 500. Can't make myself part with them… plus alot of what I have i cant find on CD or digital download…so I keep them and every so often, blow the inches of dust off and play em. Child of the 80s. What can you do.

*admitting*… that is kinda cool. Do you have the Heathen album? It is awesome (as are all things Bowie).

I dont think I am a poser fan. I think I am a fan. We can both love the man…not a competition. I saw Bowie with Tin Machine and still have the (never worn) Tshirt.

*happy dance*
I already have all of Bowie on CDs (even his stint in TinMachine on cassettes), but I will gladly buy this collection. #LOVEhim