Nah We Good

suck my dick

Oh noes?

Shit, I was actually going to do it before I saw that you’ve said the exact same thing to like 200 other people. Well, I may do it anyway but not because you told me to!

Shorter for some than for others! Am. I. Right?

Way too painful. Gotta go with a gun to the temple.

Sorry guys. I was just doing a bit of comment section roleplay as a toxic Star Wars fan. I was trolling for my own amusement more than anything else. Why do something like that? No one knows. Who really cares anyway? I’m actually looking forward to the show and Chow seems like a fine choice for director.

*reads about the new Obi-Wan show*

Well he certainly wasn’t a Beach Boys fan.

Centrist liberals are under attack from the nü-left more than from any other group at this point. Go on Splinter and call someone a centrist and see what happens.

Do you truly believe that he was intentionally using coded language to speak to hate groups or potential mass shooters in that interview?

So I read the entire article on The Wrap that was referenced in your link and I can’t for the life of me see how Phillips was “dogwhistling” to anyone, let alone the alt-right. Did you see something that I missed?

“We didn’t make the movie to push buttons,” Phillips told TheWrap’s Sharon Waxman in an interview last Friday about the filmmaking process. “I literally described to Joaquin at one point in those three months as like, ‘Look at this as a way to sneak a real movie in the studio system under the guise of a comic book

Good lord, you’re right.

I love the first couple of Breeders albums (also The Amps, which is really the third Breeders album), but Frank also released two stone cold classics right off the bat with Frank Black and Teenager of the Year.

It seems weird to me that I used to love this show when I was 14 years old. I thought Peter Horton was real cool with that long hair.

I low-key don’t like Maroon 5. Don’t tell anyone!

This is like asking “What’s the stinkiest piece of shit ever to drop from a human butthole?” It’s impossible to answer.

Yo, fuck them slobs!

‘Zat you, MC Hammer?

I’m getting a real Redd Kross vibe from those kids.