Or she obviously saw how well the show is doing which caused sales of her book to rise and she saw that this is the perfect time for a new one. Also, there is no way anything new can ruin something from the past.
Or she obviously saw how well the show is doing which caused sales of her book to rise and she saw that this is the perfect time for a new one. Also, there is no way anything new can ruin something from the past.
That was my initial take too, but after thinking about it her death ends her arc quite nicely. Her entire impetus for joining the Avengers was to “clear the red from her ledger,” and I’d argue that single-handedly keeping the group together for 5 years before sacrificing herself to save 3.5 billion people is about as…
Leaving aside the fact that one of the people he targeted was fucking 14, lines like:
“She never played another gig.”
AND (from a different person)
“We should respect the privacy of a 40-year-old man having phone sex with a 14-year-old girl” is certainly an interesting take!
When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.
There’s only one, true test to tell whether or not he’s black. Have him get stopped by the cops, and see what happens.
I’m not sure how any of this makes it a good movie for Black people. I guess Black men if you want to time warp back the blackploitation of all those shitty Will Smith, Wesley Snipe, and Damon Wayans movies where they get to fuck with women that aren’t Black. Sounds like there is no room for Black women in this movie…
The conflating pro choice with “pro abortion” irks me too.
If they want to appropriate the term “feminist” to mean whatever they want, I can do the same. From now on, “Christian” describes anyone who likes to get presents on Christmas but isn’t religious. Other people can call themselves Christian, but real, true Christians are atheists who like Santa Claus.
Sure, but it’s a reminder that all of the symbols of rugged male authenticity in American conservative politics — see also “Sheriff” Clarke’s stupid fucking hat and flair, or grifter Zinke’s upside-down fly rig — are bullshit.
Like most of America, I’ve had a week. Whereas Charlottesville, Va., touched off a week of necessary discussions,…
I mean ... if you’re gonna go, going at 78 while doing something you clearly loved isn’t the worst way. All of my sympathies to his family and friends, who I’m sure are devastated, but this is so much better than, say, dying from leukemia at 57.
Yeah, but you can actually afford to go on family vacation if you only have one kid.
The only one grasping is you. After her "amazing" speech, Arquette said everyone else already has equal rights, so it was time to focus on white women getting paid equal to white men. Fuck her and her White Feminism (tm) bullshit.