The other horrifying thing about this is that no one who has worked or volunteered is surprised, even if they never witnessed any harassment prior to this.
The other horrifying thing about this is that no one who has worked or volunteered is surprised, even if they never witnessed any harassment prior to this.
That's what I thought too! Granted I am not a parent, but even when I was 15 if mom said, "Hey we're going to the doctor you need booster shots." I would have been like, "OK. Can I pick out a magazine after?" And not questioned it at all.
Yeah, people are always surprised when they find out that the ant-vaxxers are mostly well-educated, middle class, etc. Its so astounding to me that these people can't/won't read the studies, but then again there are people who take an Emergen-C every day. Think of it this way: if you know your friends keep a loaded…
My boyfriend and I were trying to sneak into THEE Comic-Con hotel party a few years ago at the Hard Rock, we managed to sneak into the hotel (they were checking keys unless you were on the list for the party, which we weren't), but couldn't quite manage to sneak up to the roof where the party was, we kept getting…
That is very smart advise. Good on you as a caring father.
My friend's kid goes to a school in Pasadena where peanuts are banned completely, but not real nuts, e.g. his kid can bring almond butter sandwiches in lieu of the dreaded legume.
What's up with this weird "wine-based cocktail" thing? These are not the only that claim to be mixed drinks that are actually made from wine that was maybe stored next to a bottle of juice at one point. I had the lotta colada since I will pretty much try any booze once (the more horrifying looking the better), and it…
I would be terrible at a beer holding competition. I'm in the bathroom after the first 1.5 beers.
I infuse vodka with pumpkin every autumn, and you're 100% correct about there not being much flavor to pumpkin. I always add pumpkin spices, because if I don't it comes out tasting like I left a squash sitting on the counter in a plastic bag for four months.
Yes, please write about more reds! Its a category I really want to get into and know nothing about, other than that I love this one red beer I had in Italy once that they don't export. And that Newcastle Werewolf tastes like kleenex boxes.
Oh yeah, I tried that Apple-rita travesty as soon as it came out (since I pretty much want to try every new ridiculous adult beverage). "Not as bad as Joose" is the best thing I can say about it. It comes out swinging with an apple cider flavor clearly created via chemistry set, then finishes strong with the coppery…
Lindy, I live in Los Angeles and I wear cocktail gloves regularly. All the warm-weather-state-residing vintage-wearing gals do, we just pick the lighter fabrics.
You know how some police officers actively encourage their children NOT to become police officers when they grow up, because its such a tough job and so dangerous?
My best female friend has bought my boyfriend and her shots at a bar when I wasn't there. And they didn't lose control of themselves and bone, because they're adults. If you're dating someone who is an adult, not just old but mature, you shouldn't have to worry.
I took a selfie one time when I was sick as a dog and had a full-on amazingly long snot string just hanging out of my nose after sinus irrigating. It was awesome, and I had to share it with my friends.
There's also the Audrey skirt to match that purse, which is already on my holiday list:
Only tangentially related, but when I was a Girl Scout in the 90s, when we went to the main office to register for us, they would always give us small sample boxes of Tampax. Seriously, the leader and the girls that were there (I was 12 so I don't know how young they started that) all got samples of Tampax. This just…
I actually kinda like this monstrosity. Like what others are saying, its just like a better tasting 4 Loko. The Bud Light Straw-ber-rita coupled with Sealab 2020 got me through the stress of packing and moving a few weeks ago.