
Such a cool talent, to be able to read minds.

Name one thing I said that wasn’t true? My whole point is that picking sides as if there even is a ‘good’ side in the conflict between Hamas and Israel is ridiculous and one-dimensional. 

Didn’t say that, just that both Hamas and the Israeli government/IDF are mutually exploiting civilians for their own political gains.

Cool rebuttal, dude. Backed up with facts and logic. 

I agree Israel’s response is disproportionate (they always respond disproportionately) but Hamas counts on that and ensures the death tolls will be high by intentionally placing strategic targets near or in schools, hospitals, residential blocks, etc on purpose, using the civilian population as human shields, and the

Agree, and the UN Secretary General even said it didn’t happen in a vacuum, prompting the Israeli ambassador to call for him to be fired.

There’s bias on both sides, which makes any kind of nuanced discussion of what’s happening impossible.

the hashtag is commonly used by victims of domestic abuse. Not only that, it’s also the name of an anti-abortion campaign run by Priests For Life and Anglicans for Life.

Who cares?

  • Speaking of: Robert De Niro’s “support” for his partner doesn’t sound like it includes changing diapers for their five-month-old daughter. [Page Six]

Or she just forgot she did it? Who remembers every single thing they tweeted or posted on Facebook 10 years ago? I certainly don’t.

Not the first time, pretty much any time I comment. It’s weird. Just ignore me if you find my comments so offensive. Why go out of your way to comment stalk someone you clearly disagree with on everything?

Stalker much?

I think we should be listening to the actual physicians and scientists, and that funding should be provided for research. That seems to be more the case in Europe, who aren’t closing the door to treatment, they’re just taking a more cautious approach based on the evidence at hand. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be

Not the same thing, and you know it. False equivalencies don’t make you look smarter.

Republicans aren’t doing it for the right reasons but I agree it’s reasonable.

This. And Jezebel linking to the son’s piece in The Federalist without noting what type of outlet it is, is beyond sus. That’s a far right rag known for publishing misinformation during Covid, among other bullshit.

Wait, what?